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hi (: this story is basically a timeline of my development as a writer, as I started writing it in middle school. (I am now of legal drinking age HAHA) I originally uploaded it on a different site, but there was a point where I sadly abandoned it. Though now that I'm working to write the ending of the story, I've decided to bring it here to Wattpad ! So please keep in mind that the writing may be a little Rocky in the first chapters, but I promise it gets better ! Thank you so much for your reading time and support. 💝

*this is a flashback - reader isn't 12 lol*

(Y/n) skipped through the village with her mother at her side, enjoying the smells and sounds she encountered on her way. Fresh bread, and the laughter of happy people enjoying each other's company. She wasn't necessarily a teenager quite yet, at the age of 12, but when faced with the appropriate situations, she had the maturity of a young mother. Her father saw this in her and figured this could mean early devotion towards the kingdom, and encouraged his wife to take their daughter to the market place outside of the growing kingdom and introduce her to the lore and background of the place they lived in. (Y/n) gleefully obliged, content with the idea of seeing all the people and the beautiful castle she once wished she could live in. They lived in a small home, just outside of the main location of the castle, in the middle of a new town that was to be connected to the first one. (Y/n) had never seen the castle up close, however. Only from a distance as it peered over the trees and clashed with orange and pink sunset each afternoon.

​​​​​​"(Y/n), if you could keep a bit closer to me, please. I wouldn't want to lose you in a crowd." Her mother called, reaching her hand out and touching her daughter's shoulder. "Besides, if you want to enter the castle and present your gift, then you will behave like young lady." This caught the young girl's attention, and she quickly hurried back to her mother's side. In (y/n)'s hand she held a small music box that she had made. The music sounded by small bells located on the hollowed inside of the box that rang when the rod was turned, causing them to ding. She was proud of what she had accomplished, and even went so far as to put a lid on the box, so secret items could be hidden away with a lock and key if needed. She quickly turned the rod pertruding from the side and listened to the quick tune of the bells, filling her with delight. (Y/n) looked up towards the castle to where they had the large doors open, and counted the amount of people that went in and out. 4 walked in for 2 to come out. 5 walked in for 7 to come out. People carrying all different kinds of gifts, large and small, which made (y/n) impatient. The castle had their doors open most of the day and allowed people to present gifts in the throne room, and volunteers to do house work, as the king did not want maids. (Y/n) hoped to be a volunteer one day, but the only thing on her mind at the moment was getting her gift to the king and queen. She looked up to her mother, who had stopped to buy some fruits from a stand in the market. 

​​​​​​"Mum, could we hurry, please? I don't want to miss it!" She pulled on her mother's sleeve, who quickly payed for her produce, and turned to sigh with a smile on her face. 

"Such impatience. Don't worry, my dear, you won't miss it. Come, lets go present your gift, then." Her mother walked towards the castle with (y/n) beside her, who clutched the musical box in her arms in order to keep it safe. It seemed like an eternity until they reached the front gates, and (y/n) was excited to finally step foot in the palace. The building shielded her eyes from the bright afternoon sun outside, and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. The walls were covered in a beautiful navy blue colour, and the gold curtains and doors laced and complimented the blue gorgeously. The rug her feet touched was a deep and tame red, and the furniture that was found against some of the corridor's walls matches in hue. (Y/n) expected the navy and slightly burgundy colours to contrast, but they went together in such a royal way that (y/n) just smiled at it. Her mother pulled her along the corridor, also glancing and marveling at the beautiful sight of the castle's interior. 

Once they reached the end of the hallway, the two entered two doors that were held open by guards. The guards matched the palace's colours, except less saturated with brightness. They smiled and nodded their head as a warm welcoming to the mother and daughter as they entered. Beyond the doors was a similar room, but in the middle of it all was 2 large gold and red thrones, and sitting on these thrones were 2 elaborately dressed and beautiful people. 

King and Queen Vieno.

The Queen sat in the chair on the right, and the King occupied the one to the left. People formed a line leading up to the two, and those at the front of line bowed and presented their gift to the royalty. (Y/n)'s mother brought her to the end of the line, and as she waited, she looked around the room some more. 2 more guards occupied the room; one next to the king and queen, and one taking gifts from the civilians and bringing them to a corner of the room. Her eyes followed the guard walking back and forth between the two spots, eyes hypnotized by the sparkling gold belt he wore which glimmered in the light. At one point, he carried a basket of various pastries to the corner, and set them down on a table, but rather than (y/n)'s eyes following his belt, her eyes remained in the pastries in the corner. What if her gift was not good enough for the king and queen? She was not very skilled in baking and cooking, and she could never create such a delicious gift. Her train of thought was broken quickly though, as a hand suddenly reached in and grabbed a muffin. She looked to see who's hand it was, and was surprised to see a young boy, about her age, standing there, staring back. He had beautiful blonde hair and pale green eyes that were filled with curiosity. He wore similar attire to the king; a blue and gold suit adorned with a red sash. The boy simply smiled at (y/n) and waved his hand to say hello. (Y/n) raised her hand and waved back, a smile of confusion on her face. 

"Excuse me, young lady?" A high, melodic voice chirped into (y/n)'s head. "You seem a little lost in thought." The voice laughed lightly, and (y/n) brought her eyes to the person who spoke: the Queen. 

The Queen wore a long Navy blue dress with gold trimmings and a red sash equipped with red jewels and jewelry. Her long blonde hair was brushed to one side of her neck, and waved down onto her collar bones.

(Y/n) quickly bowed. "I apologize! I wasn't paying enough attention. Forgive me." She felt her face grow red with embarrassment at her mistake, but that was quickly washed away by a deep and handsome laughed that went off from the king.

"No need to be so formal, my dear! It was simply a mistake. It happens to the best of us. We apologize if we scared you. Now, what have you brought for us today?" The king leaned in and patted (y/n)'s shoulder in a means to comfort. It worked, and the young lass smiled again. 

"A-a music box, sire. I made it myself." She handed the box to the king, who sat back and examined it with the queen. He scratched his brown beard before turning the rod. The tune played, and the Queen smiled. 

"Wonderful! The best gift we've received all day. The tune was lovely dear, thank you very much!" She clapped a couple of times then took (y/n)'s hand. "What is your name, dear?"

​​​​​​She blushed. "(Y/n)." She quickly looked down at her hand, which was clasped between two beautiful, pale limbs that were covered in cold rings.

"Such an astonishing name. I think your hair is very beautiful." She reached out and brushed a stand of (y/n)'s (h/c) hair back into place. "We hope you will visit again soon, yes?" She nodded towards her husband who leaned forward again and took his wive's hand from (y/n)'s own, and shook his head in agreement. (Y/n) looked to her mother for an answer, who simply smiled. 

"Yes, I suppose so." She repeated her mother's answer to the king and queen. 

"Well, then. We await your return. Until next time my dear." They waved goodbye, and so did (y/n). The fact they liked her gift filled her with delight. Her mother once again pulled her along the carpet, and to the golden doors. Before they could officially leave, though, (y/n) turned around and searched for the boy. Sure enough, he was still in the corner, staring in her direction. (Y/n) smiled at him, and waved goodbye. He returned the favor with a nod and smirk, then (y/n) and her mother left.

​​​​​​She thought of what her next visit would be like, and what she would bring as an offering. But mostly, she thought of the boy's pale green eyes and how lively they were. 

She had always admired the colour green.

Sσʋҽɾҽιɠɳƚყ[yandere x reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora