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"What did he have for you?" Laelius asked from behind you once the large doors closed. You glanced down at the blessing around your neck and questioned how truthfully you should answer.

"A blessing." You turned around and held the small piece of parchment in your palm, lifting it towards him so he could see. He eyed it, confused.

"A blessing for what?"

You put on a large, jovial smile and put your hands behind your back. "A blessing for good luck in the coming days."

His eyebrows dropped and a small smile found it's way to his face, almost apologetic. "That's wonderful, I'm sorry for prodding. He said you needed help is all, and I was worried it may be serious." You flinched at lying to your next king, but felt relieved when he didn't see through it.

"(Y/N), if you needed help, you'd tell me, right?"

Your hands flew up to your heart and you bowed, the sad look on his face filling you with guilt. "Of course I would, Prince Laelius. I promise." He looked at you questioningly, as if waiting for another answer.

"To be honest, my prince, I'm not even sure myself about this 'help' he was speaking of. So I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." You smiled the large grin again, praying within your thoughts that'd he'd drop the subject.

"If anything arises, please, don't hesitate to let me know, alright? We're friends, remember?" He smiled back, slightly nodding.


Kindly, Laelius sat and ate breakfast with you that morning, making you feel reassured that he wasn't the negative energy that Everette and Murali had described to you. Maybe you could be honest with Laelius about what the blessing was about, but you feared that admitting you had lied to him would make him upset with you, so you held your tongue. Finishing your meal, you offered to take Laelius's plate back to the lavish royal kitchen- a place you had worked in a handful of times in your years of volunteering for the castle.

"No, let me. You're not a servant or a volunteer, (Y/N). You don't have to offer such things anymore." Uncharacteristically, he bowed to you, and took your plate without a second thought, and walked to kitchen. You stood in the dinning hall, alone, and felt your shoulders shake as tears ran down your cheeks. Laelius was so kind and generous, the knowledge that he had crossed your mind when you had been warned made you feel sick to your stomach. He was to be King Laelius Vierno of Daston, and he was going to make a wonderful leader. You were foolish to ever guess otherwise, even if it was for a second. He welcomed you into his castle, and made sure you had proper care and belongings. He saved you from Marcus, and supported your words to the court and other rulers. He called you his friend, and took your plate for you as though he wasn't royalty.

He deserved to know about the blessing, and the danger.

You began to walk forward, hoping to get to Laelius in the kitchen, but you must've been standing there contemplating longer than you had thought, because he walked back in through the doors he had left through. Almost immediately, he noticed your tears and hurriedly rushed over to you.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" He asked, holding his arms out as though he expected you to faint. You simply nodded, and wiped the tears from your cheeks.

"Laelius, I have something to tell you." He wrapped his arms around you suddenly, pulling you into an embrace that made your face flush red.

"That's the first time you've ever called me just 'Laelius'. You can tell me anything, (Y/N)." You blushed even more at the realization that you had forgotten to be formal, but sighed a breath of relief when it appeared he didn't mind. He truly did deserve the truth.

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