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When you two arrived at the entrance to King Methodius's room, you found Silvius standing beside it, leaning against the wall. He had his usual scowl upon his face- you almost believed it would get stuck like that. Even though his mouth was turned in grumpiness, it was his eyes that gave away what he was truly feeling. Looking up from his hands to you two, his eyes yelled anger at Laelius, and desperation to you. You threw him a polite smile, and a nod, confirming that everything that transpired between you two previously was within safe keeping. It visibly calmed him, and he hopped up from against the wall and stood up straight.

"We must wait for Chrystal."

As if waiting for her name to be cued, the flamboyant and loud young maiden flew around the corner, sprinting down the carpeted Hall. You noticed she had no shoes on, and her hair was pulled up into a very high pony tail.

"Where are your shoes?" Laelius questioned, rolling his eyes at his older sister's childishness. Chrystal looked down to her feet, and shrugged. After a few second of confused silence, Silvius scoffed and began to open the door without even knocking.

It had only been the evening prior when you had last seen King Methodius, but by all apparences, he looked aged several years. His once wide eyes, always full of wonder, were now hidden behind the wrinkled folds of a sorrowful furrowed brow, and sleepless bags.

"Thank you for coming so quickly. All of you." Methodius's looked at Chrystal's bare feet and raised a brow. "Where are your shoes?" Again, Chrystal looked down at her feet- as though it was the first time- and shrugged.

"Maybe I shouldn't have rushed you."

"With all due respect, father, what was it that you called us for? They said it was urgent." Silvius tapped his foot, less out of anger, and more out of anxiety, you could tell.

Methodius fiddled with his hands, meeting eyes with each one of you, as though waiting for somebody else to say something. When he assessed that he wasn't about to be interrupted again, he sighed and clapped his hands once.

"I've decided upon the execution for..." His voice trailed off, deep and sad. His mouth hung open, and his lips quivered as if a word was sitting upon his tongue, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. Everyone remained silent. "He will be privately hanged."

"What do you mean private?" Silvius demanded, slamming his foot on the ground and making you jump back. "He killed mother! In public! Infact, he stabbed her in public!" Every word made you flinch, and tears began to well up in your squinted eyes at the painful cut of the memories. You reached out and grabbed Laelius's sleeve, using his sturdiness to keep yourself from falling over. To your left, you heard Chrystal sob lightly, and shift uncomfortably on her feet. Methodius and Laelius, however, remained unmoving and silent.

"He deserves worse than some private mercy, god dammit!" Silvius yelled at the top of his lungs, stomping forward to face his father. Usually, Silvius stood shorter than the King while standing up straight- even if only by a few inches. But now, as he cower under his son's anger, Methodius looked as though he had been cut at the knees. After more silence- besides you and Chrystal's cries- he stomped his foot again.

"Answer me! She was my mother!"

Methodius snapped straight and kicked Silvius right off his pedestal. "And she was my wife! My partner since I was coronated- for 33 years. Queen Tammara was my best friend, and while you are all entitled to your opinions and feelings about this, I knew her best, and it is my decision that goes. I already sent notice to Souvell."

"Your decision is to dishonour our queen." Silvius, though, not as cocky as before, was still not nearly backed all the way down to timid. His words still spat poison at his father's feet.

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