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"You can't just step down from the throne and pass this down to me! You know the court will never allow this, not without reason!" Laelius demanded, pacing around you and the king who stood in the center of the room. 

"You're correct, my son. They would never just allow me to step down. But, that is where (y/n)'s importance lies." The king gestured towards you, and put a shaking hand on your shoulder.

"(Y/n), you are the most important of all. You must help me in persuading the court." He stared at you with pleading brown eyes, such a dark contrast to the late Queen's emerald green. 

"What's 'the court'?" You asked. A grumble came from behind you from Silvius. He had a hand on the door handle, and a hand on his hip.

"If you mind father, I'd like to leave. I'm sure Chrystal and Laelius would enjoy that option, too, considering." He and his now saddened sister made eye contact before she nodded in agreement.

"Leave, then. Go to your own devices, but do not speak a word of this. Not yet." Silvius and Chrystal bowed before leaving quietly into the hallway.

"Laelius, you may leave too, if so desired." The king did not make eye contact with his son as he spoke. 

"I'm not leaving. Not if I'm going to be the next leader of Daston. I will stay." He stopped pacing and joined the triangle.

"Very well. Please, explain the court to her, if you would." Prince Laelius turned to speak to you, and though the circumstances were odd, he still gave you a small smile. This comforted you, and though it could have been thought as inappropriate, you smiled back and bowed a little. He was still royalty, despite the previous informalities.

"The court is a group made up of the 5 other kingdoms in this Union. Grayson Paige from the Adroya Empire; Everette Ryley from the Queston Kingdom; Hari Masterson from the Souvell Dynasty; Murali Thorburn from the Prulia Dynasty; and Avery Durand from the Pathen Kingdom. When one kingdom must go through a time of a large decisional crisis, the other 5 kingdoms in the Union will usually conjugate and help choose whether or not a decision will be beneficial for the subjects. Having a Royal leader be taken down from their placement usually requires the Union to become involved. The Union's sole purpose is to make sure one kingdom does not foolishly make rash decisions, and that each place has equal rights and power. Only one other king has ever been allowed to willingly step down, though. King Vasu from the Prulia Dynasty. He was very ill, and yet the decision was still very close in the end. This is a seemingly impossible quest." Laelius finished, sighing and shaking his head as he looked at his father.

"What do you expect her to do? I apologize, but she is but a civilian witness to mother's death! They don't care what she would have to say. You know how conceded they can be."

Laelius moved towards his father as if he wanted to grab him and shake him about like a toy, but controlled himself.
​"I am perfectly aware of how stubborn they can be towards subjects, my son. But they will have no choice but to listen to her. She witnessed and experienced something first hand today that even I am unable to comprehend. I know it, the guards know it, and you know it, too. There is no denying what place she holds here. Besides, she has served the Vieno family so well over these last 10 years, she is practically a friend of the family's." This statement from the king was enough to make you blush and bow with embarrassment. 

"King Methodius, I am honored you would consider me a friend of-" he stopped you and pulled up from your curtsy. 

"Just Methodius now, dear. Now need for such formalities." 

"There is plenty of need for such formalities! You are ​​​​​​still king!" Prince Laelius bursted, almost instantly covering his mouth with his fist, attempting to cough out his volume.

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