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Screaming. You hadn't noticed the screaming until now, when the blood from the Queen's body had seeped through the dress and onto your palms. The cold feeling left a red residue on your skin, staining your thoughts forever.

"Prince Laelius! Please, do not step any further! You don't need to see this!" You saw a guard use his body to cover the sights behind him. The prince however, did not care, and pushed past him anyway and made his way through the chaotic people running out of the room, and over to where you sat staring. The king was weeping heavily now, his deep, gravelly, voice cracking from tears.

"She is my mother! Let me see her!" Prince Laelius exclaimed to the guards who ran in front of him as if to intervene. He shoved them all away still, finally reaching you after a few seconds. The room was starting to clear out now- Nobody but some watchers and guards left in the room along with the prince, the king, you, and the hollow shell that once contained the soul of a proud Queen. They had dragged the assassin out as fats as they could in order to avoid any more chaos than was already started.You found yourself staring at the prince through your tears, watching his presumably once slicked back hair now disheveled and flopping about his ivory toned face. Suddenly a hand grabbed your shoulder.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry, but please, leave and go back to your home. This is no sight for a young maiden to see." Marcus, the guard you gave the sheet to earlier, pulled you up with your hand in his.

"No! (Y/N) stays here. She is a witness and a friend of the family's. She is allowed to continue here if she so wishes." King Methodius firmly told the guard through his tears. Marcus simply nodded, then snapped his head to where the large golden oped abruptly. Everything seemed to be happening too fast for you to focus your brain on anything. You looked over at the doors as well, and saw a come in with a box or briefcase in his arms. He has shoulder length white hair, chocolate brown eyes, and poorly framed glasses sliding down his nose. He was notably shorter than most of the guards that escorted him, yet he stood straighter than a board. His hustled walk made his shoes clack against the tile floor, ringing in your ears and making your brain throb more.

"Eldon! I'm afraid it's much too late!" The prince yelled from floor, which got surprisingly close as you toppled over, fainting.

A cold hand on your back woke you up slowly. You were on your stomach, in an unknown bed. The royal purple sheets were silky and welcoming, but the cold hand sliding up and down your back, was not. 

"Excuse me?" Your groggy voice asked, raspy, tickling your throat. The end immediately left your back, and you heard a short gasp sound from behind you. Twirling your body around, you faced the cold handed person. It was the man from earlier, then one the prince had called 'Eldon.' His glasses moved up with his eyebrows as his expression turned to one of shock. 

"Pardon me. I was trying to soothe you in your sudden slumber. It's been proven that massages can help ease stress, which, in your case, I figured might help. I'm the royal family's personal doctor." He apologized, putting gloves on his hands. You sat up, eager to figure out what was going on, but you went too fast and your head ache rejected your proposal of leave.

"Please be careful, miss. You fainted, and hit your head pretty heard. We wouldn't want you in an unnecessary pain." He brushed a strand of his white hair behind his ear. 

"Please, Eldon. What is the time?" You asked eagerly, remember you had things to do with your parents tonight. 

"Y-You know my name?" You rubbed your temples, but peered at the doctor through slit between your finger. He had a warm blush across his face, with an eyebrow raised.

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