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You couldn't stop thinking about the man in the crowd who spoke to your mind. 

Back inside the castle now, you followed behind Laelius silently, contemplating whether or not you should bring up what happened during the funeral or not.

"Excuse me," he signaled to a guard, who had been standing against the wall with her head down. As soon as the thought of talking to Laelius had came to you, it left as he spoke to the guard. "I want the doors opened."

Silvius, along with Chrystal who had been together shortly ahead of you and Laelius, turned around with a familiar sense of tensity.

"No, you can't seriously want to open the doors, right? After the day we've had- the entire KINGDOM has had- you want us to sit out here and what? Conversate of her death some more?" Silvius rolled his eyes and stepped towards his brother, edging on yet another possible fight.

Laelius just shook his head and held has hand out, palm facing Silvius. "Please, I don't wish to make you or anybody else be out here for it if they do not wish to be. I just want to speak to my people. Heal with them. Is that really so wrong, my dear brother?" Silvius did not respond, with neither word nor expression. He held the same angry eyes, and without letting them drop, turned around to continue to his chambers. Chrystal hesitated behind him for a split minute to look at you through tired eyes, and then followed suit. "You also, do not need to be out here if you do not desire, Miss (Y/N). It is quite alright."

As he said this, his father entered the room from the doors that lead to the castle's opening gate. He had been within hall, talking to guards about something. "I want the doors opened, too." He claimed, making his way past you two as he headed towards the hallways leading to the rest of the royal abode. "We will not shut our people out. Ever."

"Father, will you not-" Laelius started.

"You will be the new king quite soon, Laelius. You know what is expected of you. For now I shall return to my room, if anyone needs me." He didn't even turn his head as he stated this comment, he just left.

"I'd like to stay." You said confidently. You didn't want Laelius to be alone in this. Even if it meant you wouldn't be allowed to get a chance to wrap your head around the funeral yet.

"That's very kind of you, Miss (Y/N). You remain my most trusted friend..." He smiled and bowed his head to you, then held out a hand that signaled for yours to take it. You allowed your fingers to once against be wrapped with his, and before you knew it you were being pulled towards the royal thrones. A few feet away from the golden seats, Laelius let go of your hand and without missing a beat, sat right in the king's throne with the most confidence you've ever seen the young prince have. It both intimidated you and made blush rush to your face. He was truly handsome.

Light speaking could be heard faintly as guards had the two sets of double doors opened, and few civilians filed in. This was also when you noticed the large amount of guards armoring the walls, eyeing the few everyday people as if they could criminals too.

"Sit, Miss (Y/N). I insist, before people come up here to speak with us." Laelius gestured to the Queen's respective seat right next to him.

"Oh good heavens, no!" You quietly exclaimed, shocked and embarrassed. "I simply cannot sit in Queen Tammara's throne!"

Laelius closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows into a kind expression. "My mother is dead, (Y/N). It isn't her throne anymore. Right now, it is just a chair. I promise." His words eased you, though only slightly.

"I'd sit in the chair if I were you, darling." An elderly woman's voice said from behind you. You turned, and indeed there an older woman stood. "It's surely yours soon enough anyway."

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