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His strength surprised you.

It always did, it seemed. In both a scary way, and a flattering way. Laelius carried you like a bride with both arms, unwavering and not stopping at all to take a breath on the silent walk to his room's doors. When the walk finally came to a halt, it was only because your destination had arrived. Yet, rather than struggling to get the doors open, or simply just put you down, maneuvered his arm to cradle you like a baby, and opened- then shut, after bringing you within the gateway- the doors with ease. Laelius always seemed so lean, bordering lanky, with his tall stature and thin figure. The muscles hidden underneath his skin acted like a metaphor for everything he had hidden.

Once the door clicked shut, the prince looked down at you, waiting for a word of discomfort, maybe. But you had none to give, truly. Instead you caught yourself blushing and trying not to smile. Every disgusting feeling that had plagued you formerly were now replaced feelings of awe, and euphoria. And... Exhaustion. As much as you felt yourself desire to savour this moment with a person you admired so greatly, you knew that as soon as your mind could shut off- it would.

Having thought that, however, you began to worry about falling asleep while he wanted your attention during something, and seeming rude, so you began to look around and focus on anything in order to keep yourself awake. This was the first time you had been inside his room- there must be something interesting, surely?

You found that to be an understatement, when you finally pried your eyes away from the royal who carried you. You had thought Chrystal's room to be quite personalized and odd- and though it certainly was- Laelius's room blew it out of the water. For starters, instead of a traditional room being mapped out like a square or rectangle, a section of the walls were rounded out to form a circle around an upraised flooring, like that of a theatre stage. A small, yet fancily adorned staircase was built to allow easier access up to the platform, which displayed his bed, and lead also to a balcony. Chrystal's room also had a balcony- though yours didnt-, yet the doors had been covered with drapes. His was different, though, in the fact that the doors were simply held open, allowing a lovely breeze to whistle in. Also up on the stage of sorts was a desk, which upheld various personal items, books, and a few candles. Other normal things sat in the room, such a wardrobe, and another bookshelf, but you didn't pay any mind to them.

"You can sleep on the bed." He finally broke the silence as he carried you up the steps and onto the display. Your heart began to beat rapidly in your chest, blush coming to your cheeks yet again.

"I really couldn't ask that of you, Laelius. You can just let me sleep on the floor, or-"

"Nonsense." He silenced you, gently placing your form onto the bed. "I would never force a maiden to lay upon the ground like an animal. Certainly not you, of all maidens." The covers of his sleeping space were cool to the touch- a comforting contrast to the warmth his body have off when he carried you. Arguing would have been fruitless, you knew- but in truth, you didn't even want to argue. You simply nodded, and slipped under the top blanket while he stood to the side. You didn't lay down yet, feeling still a bit awkward and flushed in the face about the whole thing.

"Thank you, Prince Laelius. I really can't thank you enough. I know I've said this before, but I don't know what I would do without you." You bowed your head, getting as close to a curtsey as possible. You heard the boy laugh lightly as he sat down next to you on the bed.

"I'll end up requesting you only call me 'Laelius' for the rest of our lives, won't I, (Y/N)?" He chuckled more, and you followed along with a giggle of your own. Something about the way he said 'our lives' made your stomach warm, and you couldn't help but be jovial with him.

"I'll stop when I'm queen." You sarcastically joked, but something about what you had said made him stop. You finished your laugh, but raised a brow curiously.

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