The Convict

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"He is not fit for this." Silvius argued with you. He whispered even quieter as the room settled down. 

"Why? Because he stabbed you nearly 10 years ago? He has clearly changed, Prince Silvius. He is your brother, I think you should give him a chance."

"You don't understand, you passed out-" He was cut off by your parents, who called for you from behind the little wooden gates that separated you from the crowd. 

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Your mother cried the loudest over everyone. 

"Mum!" You called back, running up to the fencing, and hugging them from behind it. First your mother, the most frantic, then your father.

"Are you alright? I'll kill him." Your father angrily exclaimed, presumably talking about Marcus.

"He seemed so nice and respectful when he delivered the letter... I'm so sorry, my darling." Your mother began to cry on your shoulder, making a mess of your gown. 

"Nonsense, it's not your fault. Marcus is not of right mind. Besides, prince Laelius saved me, and I am very grateful." You all looked to him, who brought his head up from the ground at your words.

"It's not-" He started. 

"My young Lord, we are ever in debt. If it were not for you, our beloved daughter would be dead. We promise we shall stand behind you as long as we live." Your mother cried some more, and beckoned him over for a hug. Laelius accepted with a small smile, his tall body hunched over to match your mother's small stature. Your father embraced you still, ignoring the crowd as they yelled at him to sit down.

"Such sweet reunions, but, alas, there is more that need be done." Avery Durand spoke half heartedly, clearly still rather upset about the outcome of the trial.

"Bring him in."

As the doors opened, and he walked down the small corridor, anyone left talking in the plethora of people went silent. People who stood sat quickly, including your parents and your party. You were the last one standing, eye level with him. A little bit of shock made you unable to sit down, but Silvius helped by pushing you by your shoulders. You kept eye contact with him, slightly distracted by the large guards at his sides, and the rattle of the chains around him, but your stare stayed strong. He didn't blink at all, but you're positive you didn't either. As he passed you, right before he had to snap his neck forward, he winked at you, making you jump a bit. This earned you a large grin and chuckle from the fugitive.

From Chrystal, you heard light sobbing. It was the first noise she had made during this entire event. It surprised you, she hadn't shown much fret previously. 

As her family consoled her, you watched the many royal faces on the large podium. They all watched him, either with certainty or disillusion. This was the dreaded hour; the part you were looking forward to the least. In any event, Tammara should get justice. But rather it be on her own land, or in Souvell, was not yet clear.

"Well, don't let me stop the festive occasion." He spoke. His voice seemed like a cry out in the quiet room, looking for an answer to his remark. "Come on, at least yell a little! Yell at me! I killed your Queen- Well, most of yours Queen. But, trust me, I was making my way around!" Gasps and whines of sadness ensued in the crowd, and he chuckled again.

"You're openly admitting to being the cause of Queen Tammara's death?" Avery asked, sitting back in her throne. She seemed to be the moderator for everything going on, though no one seemed to really enjoy it. 

"Well, was there ever really a doubt? I had it in mind that there wasn't really a point for me to hide it. You've got witnesses- such a comely young woman- and a doctor who examined the damage done. Besides, who's to say I'm not proud? I didn't do it by accident."

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