The Funeral

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"Over here, please." 

A guard to your left motioned for you as you stepped out onto the grand balcony, putting an arm out and ushering for you to step away from Princess Chrystal. She let go of your other arm with a confused look upon her face, surrendering you to the guard. 

"Why must she stand back here?" Chrystal questioned, raising her voice slightly so she could be heard above the roar of the crowd. You weren't even given time to truly analyze your surrounding before this inevitable situation arose. You wanted to protest a little, and venture closer to the edge of the terrace, but when you focused your hearing on the roar and the emotion emanating from below, it greatly disheartened you. 

"It's okay." You nodded to her, grabbing the guard's arm and stepping away with him. "I'll still be here. I'll just be in the back." 

Chrystal raised a brow skeptically, then sighed, and hurriedly rushed to front. Your eyes followed her and she reached the edge, and your ears focused as an ensuing increase in energy came from the watchers below. You leaned against the wall- nobody could see you anyway- and allowed your eyes to focus against the blinding light that was the sun. All of the royal family members were already in front; King Methodius, Prince Silvius, Prince Laelius, Princess Chrystal, and a bonus of Eldon. They stood, lines up from your left to your right, in that order, all of their backs turned to you. You couldn't help but focus on Laelius's tall, brave stature as he stared out at the crowd, glancing all around at them. Chrystal tapped Laelius's shoulder after a few seconds of him being up there, clearly as a signal of some sort, because he immediately cleared his throat and raised his arms to address the crowd. He kept his head straight ahead, very serious, and waited as they quieted. Once it was startlingly silent, except for the whistle of the wind from high above, Laelius spoke his words with a dominant importance.

"My Kingdom. Today, we mourn our Queen, and mother of highness, Tammara Vieno. My mother, and ruler. Your mother and ruler." He bowed his head as Methodius spoke up, following the script you know they had practiced so many times.

"Murdered by a criminal from Souvell, whom shall be executed 2 nights from now. We have heard your concerns, and your worries, and I am here to answer your inquiries, and calm your spirits. Please, on this day, remember and Invision your late Queen- not her killer. This is her day, and not his. My son, and your Prince Laelius, will speak on this day, and provide with you all a statement of who my Queen and Bride was as she lived. This is to be his new duty, and within the tenday*, it shall be his duty forevermore." The King finished, turning his arm up in gesture to the Prince, who still stood rigid and facing forward. The gathering below clapped and cheered for him, and then silenced once more as he prepared to speak.

"My father and King cannot be replaced, and I can only hope to be half of the kindly and selfless ruler he was. I rely on all of you for help achieving my goal of being the best King I possibly could be for the people, and will also rely on my family, and..." He finally turned his head left and right to regard his family, and Eldon, who stood around him, but stopped speaking as he looked. After checking both sides twice, he turned around, and made eye contact with you, who still leaned against the wall. The royal ensemble all looked at you in awe, as if they were unsure why you were back there, and their eyes only widened more when Laelius completely turned his back to the crowd, and ran up to you. Gasps and murmurs came from the sea of curious and confused people below, making you nervous when Laelius grabbed your hand gently and began to pull you back to the front with him.

"Prince Laelius, I-"

"Nonsense." He said back in a hushed tone. "You stand by me."

The crowd tensed and the murmuring only increased when the Prince put you inbetween himself and Chrystal. Your fists clenched the balcony railing until they were white, and your breathing began to speed up as you made eye contact with everyone below. Even more viewers watched the castle today than you had imagined, and now they were all witnessing Laelius present you.

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