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You didn't know what to do now that you had embarrassed yourself in front of the future king. You knew that pulling him so close was improper, but he didn't seem to mind. He just accepted it and sort of sobbed into your arms. It made you feel as though you could sob, too.

"Thank you, (Y/N)." He pulled away and wiped the wetness off his face. "I hate to sound too forward, or strange, but I hope that we can be friends and confide in each other when it is needed, as long as you serve the kingdom." He says, standing up. He brushes himself off, and rubs his eyes one more time.

"I will have to disagree with you, Prince Laelius. I wouldn't say it sounds strange at all. I would also like it if we could stay that way." You bowed in your seat, his tall form towering over you. But it was not threatening. At least, it didn't seem like it. He could be Satan himself, and you'd leap right into the arms of the beast. Your stomach twists in it's place, making you want to hide yourself. It has been quite a while since you had eaten, but you didn't want to burden anyone into making food for you.

"I'm sorry, but it's been on my mind since I saw you earlier. I have something to show you. Please, wait here." He has a stiff and red face on as he leaves the room and you sitting on the bed, alone again. You look at the book on the bed, and nearly gag at the thought of you telling him the childhood crush you had on him. In desperate want to forget the embarrassment, you pick up the book and bring it back over to the shelf where you found it. You didn't notice it before, but the empty spot where the book had resided was very dusty, letting you know that it had not been touched in a long while. You drag your finger through the collected dust quickly, colouring your finger a gray.

"It's too bad..." You say quietly to yourself. "Who knows what small, hungry, creatures could've eaten amount these pages." Click. The book being pushed back into the slot. You look up again at the rows and rows of shelves and one at the very top catches your eyes. It has a silver face and a tassle book marker flings out of a page and over the shelf's edge like an arm waving goodbye. Its much too high for you to reach in your own. Foot steps coming down the hall stops your train of thought, and you tip toe your way back to the bed. You didn't have to be sneaky- nothing about you being there was wrong. It was just that something about the book made you feel wrong. As if you were to hold it, you'd be at risk of being shunned. The door opens again, and Laelius comes in holding something small and square covered in a red silk cloth. He has a small grin on his face, and pulls the cloth off once he makes it to you.

"We've had this ever since the say we got it. One of my mother and father's favorite gifts." He holds out for you, and you take it carefully, stunned by how pristine and new it looked. 10 years, and, much like the Queen herself, it hadn't aged barely a day.

"My music box?" You pulled it close to your lap, avoiding the small handle on the side.

"Indeed. I recognized you this morning. I've watched you visit for years, this gift being the first you ever brought. I thought you might like to see it. Like old friends."

You look up at his towering firm again, and raise one eyebrow with a small smirk. You could feel your (e/c) eyes sparkle with the hope that maybe the bells still chimed. Hesitantly, you turn the handle. The lullaby cut through the silent air easily, and reminded you of happier times.

"This is amazing! " You thank him, running your fingers along the box in hopes to jump back in time. He just smiled and sat down next to you on the bed. Praying he wouldn't notice, you pull on the lid a bit to take a peak inside. It doesn't budge, and you sigh. Just another mystery to this palace.

"Thank you so much for showing me this." You say gratefully, handing him the box reluctantly.

"No, thank you, (y/n). You've done me and my family a great service today by deciding to stay here. The Vieno family is in debt to you. Especially me." He sets the music box behind him. "You were very kind to me earlier, and I must admit, I've never experienced anyone being like that. Not even my own family. Whenever I used to get into stressful situations when I was younger, my family's solution was to make me walk the hallways and reflect. I fought so much with my brother as a child, I was constantly in the halls. I became friends with the decor." He laughs, the sighs.

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