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You woke up in your room, your nightgown hung loosely around your shoulders. From your window, the pale morning light veered in and covered your room with orange. You changed into an appropriate, yet comfortable outfit, then quickly grabbed the box you had prepared the night before, and ventured out your door and into the rest of your loft. It was early, and your parents would not be awake yet. If you were quick enough, you'd be able to escape to the castle without your parents bombarding you with questions and gestures. It was your 22nd birthday, and your 10th year volunteering for the kingdom. Every year, you parents would drown you with promises for expensive items that you knew they'd never be able to afford. Besides, dresses and jewelry wasn't your cup of tea anyway. You'd rather work than look pretty. 

You grabbed a peach from your kitchen, and began to consume it when you suddenly heard a door close from near the rooms. Your parents must be awake. You tried to quickly, but quietly make your way to the door, hoping to slip away, but alas, you were too slow.

"(Y/n)..." Your father's voice taunted you. 

"Yes, father?" You questioned, trying to seem as innocent as possible. 

"Your mother and I have a gift for you, if you'd allow us to speak for a moment." He wrapped his arm around your mother, who now groggily stood next to him. 

"You've reached an age now, where things are going to be expected of you that you maybe have never even thought of. With this in mind, we want you to know that you can confide with us whenever you find the need to." Your mother finished and wiped a tear from her eye. 

"Mum, dad, don't start crying again. You do this every year!" You laughed, and embraced them. 

"I will be fine. I know you guys are here, and I will always remember to take your advice when it is needed." You broke the silence. 

​​​​​​You father scratched his his head which was covered with grey hair. "Now we have one more gift for you, my dear." He grabbed your hand, and lead you back to their bedroom, where he motioned got you to open the door. You raised an eyebrow, then twisted the knob until you could push it open. Everything seemed normal; their bed in the corner, the brown end table you had made them at the age of 15... But a single flash of colour caught your eye as a ray of light from the window touched the room. On the old wardrobe they had against the wall, there was a beautiful, glimmering piece of jewelry. You walked over and picked it up off the surface and placed in in the palms of your hands, examining it. It was silver necklace with a beautiful diamond pendent. You gasped at the thought of how expensive it must have been. 

"It's beautiful! But, how could you two afford this? I never expected anything like this for my birthday!" You walked back over to the doorway, and handed it to your father so he could put it around your neck. 

"We've been saving up since last year. Really, don't worry about it, darling. You're a woman, and every woman deserves something to compliment her natural beauty." Your mother turned you around one you father finished tying the pendant around your neck, then hugged you again.

"Thank you, I love it. I hate to not be able to stay and chat, but I really must leave. I need to bring my gift to the castle." You gripped the small box in your hand a little tighter. Your father's eyes suddenly widened.

"Oh yes! That reminds me! Please, if you would, there is a basket of peaches in the kitchen. Bestow them as a gift for us please, now that you've already partaken in one." He smirked at your flushed cheeks, embarrassed that he and caught you. 

"Of course."

"OK, OK, that's enough now, I suppose. You've got things to do. Don't be back too late now, alright?" She kissed your cheek, and allowed you to leave. Grabbing the peaches on the way, you scampered to the front door, and walked out into the bright world. The once deep, orange hue of the sunrise lightened a bit to a relaxing yellow. The sun was now clearly making it's way over the horizon, waking people up and getting them started for the day. You walked down the village's path, it leading you towards the road to the castle. Since the first time you visited the heart of the kingdom, development had come a long way. But none of it had moved outside of the wall of trees. There wasn't even a pathway leading through the forest- or, at least, you didn't know of one. No one every wanted or needed one. The kingdom was bustling with people, and everyone was very close-nit. 

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