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"I thought she said her lover was married, and that's why the couldn't be together?" You asked, sitting on the ground next to Silvius.

"That was one of the many lies she told. It's a relieving thing, too, because I could get in a lot of trouble with the court if she spoke the truth." Silvius muttered.

You twiddled your thumbs. "Well, why didn't she tell the truth? She didn't seem to like you very much."

Silvius sighed, and leans his head against the wall behind him. "I don't know in the slightest. As soon as he pointed her out, I felt myself going down, too. She didn't have to do that for me, but she did. I was hoping that she wouldn't have left yet, as I wished to speak with her."

Your eyes went wide. "So, that means... You have a son?"

"That was another lie." Silvius chuckled and looked at you from the corner of his eye.

You thought to yourself. Maybe the fact the attack happened in daston wasn't a coincidence at all. Maybe he knew of Nicoletta's betrayal, and came to Daston on purpose.

"How did you two cross paths, anyhow?" You asked.

"Well, it was when I first visited Souvell after a fight Laelius and I got into. I couldn't stand to be in the same place as him, so I sought refuge in Souvell's castle as a guest. I didn't know she was married at first, but I was hard to stop confiding with her. One day, while out, I saw her in the market, with her daughter at her hip. I felt disgusted with myself, and told her I was leaving. She begged me to take her with me, but I couldn't. Last I had heard, she left Souvell." Silvius chuckled under his breath in anguish and lament. "It may sound absurd, but I almost feel as though my mother's death was a strange bit of justice done."

"Don't say that, Prince Silvius." You gasped, looking down at the ground.

"I must apologize, (Y/N). I've been thinking about it every since the trial. I'm very happy that she's doing well, and she's found and bee family, however."

"Do you still love her?"

Silvius's eyes widened at your sudden question, catching you both off guard. But soon, his eyebrows raise in thought. "The idea of her, maybe. I feel as though, even if I tried the hardest I could, there will always be something there for her. Her light hair, her lips... I didn't leave to destroy her relationship with him. I just needed to destroy ours. It was so wrong, but I still know, deep in my heart, I really loved her at some point."

"I think you should find time to talk to her." You inquired.

Silvius nods. "I agree. I'll make plans as soon as I can. I must admit, talking with you helped me quite a bit. Thank you, (Y/N), I am in debited to you.

"Of course, Prince Silvius. I am more than honored to give you my services. But, maybe we should get back to the dinner? They just be worried."

"Fine, but I'm only going because you're requesting it." Silvius stands, reaching an arm out for you to grab.

"If I must be your reason, then so be it." You happily grab his hand, his strength pulling you up easily. Once on your feet, you bow, and begin to gently lead him down the hallway.

"Prince? Madam?" A guard turns the corner in front of you both, startling you a bit.

"Something wrong?" Silvius asks, standing up straight in front of the guard.

"I was sent to check on and escort both of you back safely, Sir." The guard bows. You felt bad for taking so long, and sitting down to speak rather than walk, but looking over at Silvius, he didn't seem to care as he walked with a pessimistic expression.

Sσʋҽɾҽιɠɳƚყ[yandere x reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon