Chapter 42

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"Your hair has grown back considerably, so they'll never suspect you were bald. Farewell. I shall take my leave as well."

Even Chase, who had been eavesdropping from the sidelines, bid Kaelan farewell before vanishing into the dining room.

"What in the..."

Why the sudden release? Kaelan had been diligently scrubbing the floors since morning, eager to finish his tasks promptly.

'But now you're letting me go like this...?'

Staring at the hallway they had exited, Kaelan couldn't shake off his disbelief.

Yet, leaving the mansion immediately would be the appropriate course of action, despite his lingering resentment.

"Um, Kaelan, what are you still doing here by yourself?"

As he stood there, immobile, Veronica bumped into him unexpectedly.

Observing him with a furrowed brow, she sensed something was amiss, noticing the absence of the black flame around his neck.

"It seems the Princess has pardoned you. That's wonderful news; now you should head home."

Veronica offered her congratulations, but Kaelan, his teeth clenched in apparent frustration, struggled to find his voice.


"What is it?"


Regrettably, his words were too indistinct to discern.

Veronica gave him a consoling pat on the shoulder, assuming it was a farewell gesture. Yet, to her surprise, Kaelan suddenly erupted into a frantic tirade.

"No! I refuse! I won't go! I won't go! I won't go! I'm staying right here!"

"......Yes, yes? ......Yes?!"

Before she could ask him why, he scowled and stormed off to the dining room.

Arriving at the front of the cafeteria, Kaelan slammed the door and screamed at the top of his lungs, just like he had with Veronica.

"I'm not leaving! I won't go! I won't go! I won't go!"

His cries reverberated through the dining hall, his defiant declaration echoing in the silence that followed.

As Chase glanced toward Reina, who was already busy preparing dinner, and Mia's family, who appeared perplexed by the commotion, a sense of tension hung in the air.

With Reina remaining silent, Kaelan huffed in frustration.

Though disappointed by the loss of his hair, Kaelan had grown fond of his time here.

The people were decent, and the food was tolerable.

He simply wasn't ready to leave so abruptly.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Reina finally voiced the conclusion of her deliberation.

"Alright, but remember to clean up after yourself, lower your voice because it's hurting my ears, and open the door gently to avoid damaging it."

Understood? Reina asked without breaking eye contact, and Kaelan nodded vigorously.


"Take a seat."


With a sense of compliance, Kaelan made his way over to the table and settled into his chair, avoiding any further disruptions.

It was a bonus that Mia gave him a look that said what the hell are you doing not serving food?

What the hell. Questions arose, but they were all gathered, so the meal began.

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