Chapter 53

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With long, jet-black hair cascading to the floor and red eyes piercing through the darkness, his appearance bore an uncanny resemblance to the demon Reina had just killed.


The boy, seemingly in search of his mother, suddenly lunged towards Reina with an urgency that caught her off guard.

It all happened in a blur.

In a panic, Reina hastily pushed the boy away.

"What... what are you... where did you come from?"

Even though she had witnessed his emergence from the demon's remains, disbelief colored her voice.


But the boy seemed unable to articulate words, persistently searching for his mother as he was pushed back.

His gaze remained fixed on Reina, as if she were the one he sought.

To Rostin's bewilderment, he posed a question that bordered on absurdity.

"...Do you know him?"

"That's impossible."

What bullshit, that.

"That's right, it can't be..."

Realizing the strangeness of his words after the fact, Rostin tightened his grip on his sword.

It was a child on the outside, but you never knew what was inside.

He was going to cut him up as soon as he saw anything suspicious.

"Mama...! Heuk, Mama...!"

But the child only cried and looked for her mother. Somehow, he couldn't take his eyes off Reina.

"I hope you don't get the wrong idea, but I'll say it again. I'm not his mom, for starters. I'm pure person who just became an adult this year."

Just because she had a child didn't mean she wasn't pure, but Reina was pure(?) anyway.

"I see. I will not doubt the princess's purity."

Rostin nodded, understanding her meaning and no longer misunderstanding.

With their agreement in place, the two of them turned their attention back to the child.

Then something unexpected caught their eye.

"Wait, isn't that the mobile stone?"

In the child's hand was a miniature mobile stone. Luckily, it hadn't been destroyed, as it was only supposed to attack demons.

"You, bring that over here."

Reina pointed to the child's hand.

Unfortunately, the child didn't understand and just shook his head.

She snapped her fingers at him to come over here.

Although the words were not understood, the body language seemed to be universal among young and old alike.

The child stopped crying and ran back to Reina.

Still hesitant from being pushed away, he cautiously opened his arms and tried to hug Reina.


But this time, she held out her palm in firm refusal, and the child lowered his gaze with a sullen expression.

Perhaps it was because it had come out of a demon, but it didn't look particularly pitiful.

Reina pointed to the child's hand.

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