Chapter 23

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After Rostin's arrival, Reina found herself troubled by the situation.

'Those evil dukes.'

Given the scarcity of dukes in the country, it raised questions about why they all seemed to be associated with negativity.

Why would they seize her house for a minor tax lapse? And why hadn't the duke paid the tax in the first place?

Upon reflection, she acknowledged that it wasn't a trifling tax, and the Duke of Wintersnow was technically correct. However, despite understanding this, a sense of anger lingered.

'I must confront him upon his return.'

Unfortunately, given his high-handed tone and demeanor, the likelihood of a productive conversation seemed remote.

'I need to devise a plan to avoid trouble.'

Having invested in a greenhouse and hired staff, Reina couldn't afford to be evicted. She was determined to stay, whether by purchasing a mansion or paying rent.

She resolved to make an offer the duke couldn't refuse. While he might decline due to his affluent status, Reina was prepared to explore every option, even resorting to a last-ditch effort that had proven effective for some.

'I'll have to give it a shot...'

If she were to kneel down and plead with them to let her continue living a little longer, explaining her lack of alternatives, there was a chance they might take her in.

If they acted collectively, they might extend the offer to others as well.

'In the meantime, I can file a formal complaint against him, stating that he is attempting to evict me after taking my money and handling my rent without my knowledge.'

Admittedly, the probability of this plan succeeding was close to zero upon reflection, but it seemed there was no other viable option.

As Reina pondered this weighty thought during breakfast, Anna, the butler's wife, paid her a visit.

"I feel bad for idling about when you've been so kind. Is there anything I can do here? I'm proficient at cleaning and organizing, and I thought I could take over those duties."

Anna offered to fill in for the absent maid – precisely what Reina needed.

While the residents typically managed their own rooms, maintaining a large mansion required someone in charge.


Without hesitation, Reina accepted Anna's proposal. As a form of compensation, she insisted on providing a stipend.

"You don't have to pay me for this...!"

Anna was willing to work without compensation because her husband and daughter were already well-compensated and provided with shelter.

The world felt harsh and cold, and the idea of doing anything for free seemed absurd to Reina.

She believed that by providing something in advance, she could expect support when she faced trouble.

"I'm not just giving it to you. I'm giving it to you for your good behavior."

Anna responded with horror, but Reina recalled the butler's near-fainting incident while moving the statue. She sensed a similar dedication in Anna, the butler's wife.

Thinking of them as a team, Reina knew Anna would work diligently until exhaustion if asked to do a good job.

"But don't keep it excessively clean. Such perfection can be overwhelming and uncomfortable. A bit of wear and tear adds character."

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