Chapter 16

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The butler cheered with genuine enthusiasm, visibly delighted.

Despite his deep admiration for Reina, bearing the full brunt of her demands was both challenging and somewhat intimidating.

"Thank you very much, Veronica!"

"Thank you. But before we exchange greetings, should we quickly move the brought seedlings?"

"Ah, yes!"

Despite their efforts to prevent the seedlings from losing too much warmth, leaving them outside in this cold weather for an extended period wasn't an option.

The butler, realizing this belatedly, joined Veronica in moving the seedlings into the greenhouse.

Fortunately, Veronica had ensured the warmth was maintained, and thanks to the flames strategically placed around the mansion, there was no damage.

While Reina quietly observed the two engrossed in their work, she slowly entered the mansion.

She pondered how much salary would be appropriate for someone who worked so diligently, right after taking on the job.

'Both hands are already tied, and I can't pay her more than a butler who lost his family and ended up in the north.'

In that case, the only remaining option was... With a flourish, Reina made a hand gesture, and something fell from the Duke's golden statue.

Picking it up, Reina approached Veronica, who had finished moving the seedlings and was taking a break.

"Good job. This is your upfront payment. I'll be counting on you, Veronica."

With a little thud, something was handed to her, and she reflexively accepted it.

When she lowered her gaze to inspect it, she found it was a golden ear.


No, wait a minute. Is this real gold? Seriously? Sincerely? Is this my payment?

Veronica looked back and forth between the golden ear and Reina with disbelieving eyes.

This was more than enough for a lifetime of managing the greenhouse under Reina.

"Why, is it not enough?"

"No! It's more than enough!"

In fact, it was overflowing! Could she accept something like this?

Shouldn't she take only a fraction and return the rest?

She was uncertain if she was being tested, and this doubt led her to sweat and ponder.

A rough hand reached her shoulder.

She turned around, and the butler had his hand on her shoulder.

His face bore a faint smile filled with compassion, as if to say, "Just accept it when it's given."

"Alright, let's get back to work, Chief Gardener Veronica."

Chief Gardener...!

She was only managing a small greenhouse, but the title seemed overly grand.

"That's nice, Chief Gardener."

However, even Reina seemed to agree not to object to this title.

It was awkward and embarrassing, but it wasn't necessarily a bad feeling.

"Uh, um, I'll do my best. Thank you for entrusting me, Lady."

With a flushed face, Veronica lowered her gaze and nodded.

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