Chapter 8

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With a heavy sigh, Rostin ran a hand through slightly disheveled bangs, his blue eyes flickering towards Luca's room.

Luca, his tiny little brother, was barely ten years old-a poor soul cursed five years ago to live as a ball of snow, except during full moons.

But it wasn't just Luca who bore the curse; the entire Duchy had fallen under its grip.

Luca was considered fortunate to have survived, unlike their parents, who perished when the curse struck.

The temple attributed the tragedy to an ancient "oracle demon," but doubts now shrouded the authenticity of such claims.

"Why and for what? What did we do wrong?"

Rostin questioned, his heart heavy with grief and frustration.

He struggled to hold his cursed brother, fearing he might accidentally cause him to melt.

The High Priest turned to Rostin, offering words that brought little comfort.

"I don't know what to say to console you, Rostin, for this is a power passed down through generations in the Dukedom of Wintersnow."

The first child of the dukes was passed down from generation to generation with great power.

It was because of this that the first Duke of Wintersnow, a mere peasant knight, was able to achieve great distinction in war and gain titles and territory.

When the Empire was established, the Emperor held the First Duke of Wintersnow in high regard, recognizing his exceptional abilities. As a result, the Emperor entrusted him with the crucial task of safeguarding the Empire's northern lands, which were infested with demons.

For a thousand years since then, the successive Dukes of Wintersnow utilized their inherited powers to maintain the North's strength, contributing significantly to the prosperity and peace of the entire empire.

However, the Demon King harbored great resentment towards the Duke's family.

In a vicious act of vengeance, the Demon King unleashed his forces upon the Duke's family of formidable warriors, bringing devastation to their once-proud lineage.

Miraculously, Rostin, the current Duke, managed to evade the full force of the Demon King's curse, inheriting great power that granted him resilience against the malevolent magic.

Yet, the curse took its toll on the dear old Duke, Duchess, and young Luca, subjecting them to its dreadful effects.

Though nobody had encountered or witnessed the Demon King firsthand, there was an undeniable certainty that the curse had originated from him.

The High Priest's oracles, known for their unerring accuracy, provided valuable insights into the unfolding events, as if divinely connected.

However, the High Priest's foresight was not without limitations. Sometimes they learned about unfortunate incidents only after they had already occurred.

'... If it weren't for the High Priest, Luca might have melted by now.'

The High Priest felt terribly sorry that it was too late, and shared all the information they had learned.

Who had placed the curse and for what reason, and what he was supposed to do from now on.

"According to the oracles of a thousand years ago, the demon's goal is to take over the North. I don't know if I should mention this, but... I humbly request that you continue defending the North as you have done so far."

The person before Rostin wielded power comparable to an emperor, and with a bow of their head, sought a favor that Rostin could not refuse.

He had no intention of relinquishing the North, a region safeguarded by his family for generations, to the Demon King.

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