Chapter 32

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"A significant one? What is it?"

The man asked, straightening up from his disheveled state.

He hadn't even given him a proper explanation yet. His eyes shone, revealing his ebullient nature.

The High Priest laughed softly.

"You'll find out when you go, I'm sure, Kaelan, there's more to it than you realize."


"Princess, the crops have flourished exceptionally well, thanks to the favorable growing conditions. There appears to be an abundance left; should we consider preserving them by freezing?"

Veronica, who had been diligently harvesting the crops since early in the morning, asked Reina, who had come outside.

It had been a while since she planted them.

"Well, if we freeze them, they'll lose their flavor. Besides, aren't we planning to continuously plant and cultivate new crops anyway?"

It would be inefficient to freeze them if they grew so quickly.

It was better to keep only enough to eat fresh and sell the rest.

"Yes, indeed. While we may need to take intermittent breaks, the crops are growing at an accelerated pace, so we should have an ample supply for some time."

"In that case, let's consider selling them to those in town who are in need of vegetables. Are there any potential buyers?"

A lot of people don't like vegetables, so if they don't have them, they sell them cheap.

"I haven't checked, but I'm confident there's a high demand for them. Vegetables are a rarity in the north, making them more sought after than meat, which is easier to preserve."

Reina's eyes gleamed.

"Very well, then. If anyone is in need, let them purchase them. Keep the prices reasonable; after all, it's our own village."

Of course, by "cheap," she meant fair.

"Veronica, the crops are under your jurisdiction, so you have the liberty to set the prices, perhaps offering a friendship discount or something."

This was where Veronica and Chase lived, and she didn't want to be too casual about it, not knowing when or how they might get involved.

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."

Veronica's lips curled into an arc as the work piled up.

It had been a while since she realized the satisfaction of having a job and being trusted with it.

"But don't sell it too cheap. I may be a princess, but I don't have much."

"Heh-heh-heh, understood, Princess. You can count on me."

Veronica chuckled in response to the joke.

Kaelan's eyes glowed red as he watched from a distant tree.

'Hmm, so that's the Oracle's Demon King, but she's a woman, and quite young.'

Of course, he was only twenty-two himself, but Reina appeared even younger than that.

Besides, he hadn't anticipated the Demon King to be a woman.

Ever since he had heard of the oracle, he had envisioned an epic battle of man against man, so the notion of facing a woman made him uneasy.

However, that didn't mean he would ignore the situation.

The High Priest had even cautioned him to be vigilant, indicating that if the exterior was formidable, the interior likely matched.

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