Chapter 40

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"The castle will buy it."

So there it was, a useless decision.

"Oh, really?"

Chase smiled. He reacted not knowing whose knight he was.

"Yes. Since the existing food ingredients were imported from outside the territory anyway, it would be better to consume ingredients within the territory."

In fact, he could have built a greenhouse inside the duke's castle and grown crops, but instead of doing so, the reason he imported frozen materials from outside was because of Luca.

He was afraid that Luca would melt in the greenhouse at some chance.

Luca was a rambunctious and curious boy, and it was better not to take any chances.

Finished reminiscing about last night, Chase answered tersely for a quick breakfast.

"The Duke has been importing crops from outside anyway, and he said we might as well spend them at the castle."

"Really? If the Duke is willing to do that for me, I'll be truly grateful. He gifted me the mansion. He's quite benevolent, isn't he?"

Reina's favorable opinion of the faceless duke increased.

"Alright. I'll take charge of overseeing the cultivation of crops at the Duke's castle from now on. Naturally, given his status, I'll cultivate a substantial quantity and sell them at a premium. You understand, don't you?"

Veronica, who had arrived at the mansion just in time to hear the story, gave a questioning look.

Princess.......? The crops are being managed and cultivated by me, but......?

The unexpectedly heavy labor interrupted the conversation, forcing herself to remain calm.

"Good morning, Princess. I apologize for the suddenness, but we're currently struggling to keep up with the demand for ingredients at the Duke's castle."

The size of the workforce at the Duke's castle exceeded her expectations.

Even the nearby village, where those without families resided, primarily supplied workers solely for the castle's needs.

Therefore, expanding the greenhouse operations would only exacerbate the current strain on resources.

"Can't we recruit more labor? Perhaps enlist some idle acquaintances from the area? I'm willing to offer generous compensation."

This aspect was within Veronica's expertise.

Unfortunately, the villagers harbored animosity towards Reina.

Despite her attempts to sell the produce at reduced prices, they remained reluctant to support her, let alone work for her.

"Um... Well, I'm not sure..."

Veronica's hesitant response conveyed the apparent impossibility of the situation.

"If that's the case, I'll explore options elsewhere. Surely someone will be willing to assist, won't they?"

It was a good chance, but it was all or nothing, after all, they'd set out to grow their own expensive and delicious crops in the first place, so it was all or nothing.

The second piece of good news came from an unexpected source.

It came from Kaelan, who showed up in the dining room yawning heavily.

He sat down at the table, slumped in exhaustion after a day of grueling cleaning.

"Morning, Kaelan. What did you paint on your hair? Why is your scalp red?"

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