Anaya and Aradhana each walked hand-in-hand with Viaanshi, their laughter mingling with the overhead chirping of birds. They exchanged fond looks and whispered affectionate words, their bond with Viaanshi shining through their every interaction.

As they reached the waiting car, Anaya turned to Viaanshi with a tender smile, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

Reaching the car, Anaya turned to Viaanshi with a tender smile, gently kissing her forehead. "We're so proud of you," she murmured.

Viaanshi beamed shyly.

"Thank you for everything."

Viaanshi returned the loving gesture with a shy but beaming grin, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

Shreya lingered nearby, her heart heavy with regret as she watched this touching scene play out before her. She yearned to be an integral part of her daughter's joy, to share in the warmth of this loving moment. But as the car pulled away carrying the Oberois off, Shreya was left alone with just her swirling thoughts, the echoes of laughter and love fading into the distance.

Back at the mansion, the others noticed Shreya's solitary silhouette in the hallway, the lights casting a soft glow. An uneasy silence fell over the group, her isolation a stark contrast to the vibrant festivity moments before.

Although Shreya showered the other children with love aside from Viaanshi, there was an undeniable void without the mother-daughter connection. Concerned glances were exchanged, a silent understanding of the fractured relationship's wound.

When Vivaan's eyes fell upon Shreya standing apart, a wave of conflicting emotions arose. Despite her treatment of Viaanshi, he couldn't deny the depth of feelings for his first and true love - the woman who taught him love's true meaning.

Watching her isolated and withdrawn, Vivaan felt unexpected pangs of sympathy and longing. Warm memories flooded his mind - laughter, tears, countless affectionate moments shared over the years. Though their relationship weathered storms, he couldn't shake their undeniable, lasting bond.

"I can't imagine my life without her," Vivaan realized heavily. Unable to approach just yet, he retreated to his room, overwhelmed by the flood of memories.

No one spoke, the others also retreating, leaving Shreya's lone figure in the hallway.

As Viaanshi returned to her room, the soft evening glow filtered through the curtains, casting a warm ambiance. The calming lavender scent lingered in the air. She sank onto her plush bed with a contented sigh, letting the day's tensions melt away as the gentle ceiling fan hummed soothingly. Closing her eyes, a serene smile graced her lips as she prepared to unwind.

After sometime, Viaanshi got up and went to freshen up in the washroom. The overhead lights reflected off the pristine tiles as she methodically went about her routine, the sounds of running water and cleaning supplies filling the room. Emerging from a refreshing shower, she felt rejuvenated.

Back in her room, Viaanshi slipped into a cozy set of loose-fitting clothes that enveloped her in comforting familiarity. With a satisfied exhale, she sank into her favorite chair, fully relaxing.

Suddenly, her phone rang, breaking the peaceful silence. Glancing at the caller ID, a gentle smile curved her lips - it was the name she'd been eagerly anticipating. She settled back, feeling a warmth spread through her as she prepared to answer.

Closing her eyes briefly, Viaanshi savored the anticipation of hearing Shreyansh's voice. The soft lamp glow created a cozy atmosphere. With a composed exhale, she answered, her voice soft and relaxed.

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