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As I swung open the door, my eyes widened like a startled owl. But instead of the expected delivery man—clad in uniform and bearing food like a culinary superhero—It was another person...

—it was none other than Eunwoo. Yes, the same Eunwoo who had the uncanny ability to make my heart flutter like a caffeinated butterfly.

"What's he doing here?" I wondered, my brain doing somersaults like an over-enthusiastic gymnast. His cheek sported a rosy tint, as if he'd been caught red-handed stealing hearts. But before I could unravel this romantic mystery, Eunwoo cleared his throat, breaking the tension like a ninja slicing through a watermelon.

"Are we gonna stay here?" he asked, his voice as smooth as melted chocolate. "Aren't you gonna invite me inside?" My awkward smile threatened to split my face in half, but I managed to usher him in. He settled onto the couch like a well-dressed cat, all grace and intrigue.

"I heard Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin are sick," Eunwoo confessed, his eyes scanning the room like a detective on the scent of a juicy case. "That's why I came to check on them." I nodded, mentally patting myself on the back for not blurting out, "And what about my heart? Is that okay too?"

"They've gone to freshen up in their rooms," I replied, my inner butler mode activated. "I'll call them. Meanwhile, make yourself at home." Little did he know, all the maids had decided to take a spontaneous day off, leaving me to play hostess. I scurried to the kitchen, determined to whip up a drink worthy of Eunwoo's unexpected visit.


I sat there, my gaze tracing the contours of the room like a curious traveler exploring uncharted territory. The air hung heavy with anticipation, as if the walls themselves held secrets waiting to be whispered. And then it hit me—a realization that tugged at my heartstrings like a melancholic violin melody.

CHOI YN no it's KIM YN. Her name echoed through my mind, each letter etched into my consciousness like a tattoo of longing. Why was I here? I lied to her by saying i came to meet Maknaes but that's not true. Why did my footsteps lead me to this doorstep, this threshold between reality and possibility? The answer eluded me, dancing just out of reach like a mischievous firefly.

But the truth was undeniable: I couldn't live without her. It wasn't a mere desire; it was a gravitational pull, an invisible thread connecting our souls across time and space. She was my North Star, guiding me through the labyrinth of existence, even when I stumbled in the darkness.

As I sat there, contemplating the cosmic absurdity of it all, I wondered if she felt the same. Did her heart skip a beat when our eyes met? Did she trace constellations on her skin, mapping out a universe where we were intertwined? Or was I merely a passing comet, destined to burn bright and fade away?

My train of thought derailed like a caffeine-fueled squirrel on a unicycle as I looked up to find Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung standing there, their expressions oscillating between confusion and mischief. It was like witnessing a live-action meme: "When you expect a pizza delivery but get a surprise visit from your heart's desire instead."

Jungkook, the resident smirk aficionado, wasted no time. "Someone is here to meet someone," he declared, nudging Taehyung with the subtlety of a bulldozer. Taehyung's eyebrows shot up, and I swear I saw a tiny light bulb flicker above his head. "Am I right, hyung?" Jungkook continued, grinning like a Cheshire cat who'd just discovered the secret stash of catnip.

 "Am I right, hyung?" Jungkook continued, grinning like a Cheshire cat who'd just discovered the secret stash of catnip

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