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The car screeched to a halt in front of the school entrance, and BTS stepped out from the car first. Their fangirls erupted into a cacophony of screams. And then there was me, emerging from the same car, my existence shattering the space-time continuum. The crowd stared, jaws unhinged, eyes wide like saucers. I casually adjusted my backpack, looked at the crowd. I smirked, winked, and strolled into the school, leaving behind a trail of bewildered fangirls and my handsome seven stepbrothers.

I went towards my locker only to see Blackpink chatting with a girl who looked like she'd just stepped out of a K-drama. I stood there, my brain doing somersaults like an over-caffeinated squirrel.  And then, she turned. My jaw? Oh, it didn't just hit the floor—it rented a penthouse suite there. Because there, in all her glory, stood Yoonji. My childhood bestie. The girl who once tried to microwave a frozen pizza with the box still on. The girl who thought "YOLO" meant "You Only Love Oreos." And now, she was sipping bubble tea with Lisa unnie like it was no big deal. Suddenly blackpink got a call and went from there waving at us and told us to meet them in the cafeteria we nodded. As they went Yoonji looked at me, "Hey babe," She said, her voice an octave higher than usual. I blinked, recognition dawning. "Oh my gosh, How are you??!" I exclaimed, suddenly she hugged me Yoonji's hug was like being enveloped in a warm, slightly chaotic tornado.

She smelled like bubble tea and misplaced optimism. "You're back!" she exclaimed, squeezing me so hard I wondered if my spine would ever recover. "And Rose spilled the beans about your transfer." I grinned, feeling like a character in a K-drama—complete with dramatic background music. "Yeah," I said, "I'm here to add some spice to this school." Yoonji's eyes sparkled. "Spice? More like a whole jar of kimchi." We giggled, our laughter echoing through the hallway. And then, out of nowhere, someone yelled, "Babe!" I froze. The universe froze. Because there, leaning against the lockers, was yoongi who looked like he'd just stepped out of a romance novel. "Yoonji," he said, "you forgot your bubble tea straw." Yoonji blinked. "Wait, what?" Yoongi pointed at the bubble tea straw dangling from her pocket. "You dropped it earlier." Yoonji blushed. "Oh, uh, thanks baby." And then, in a plot twist worthy of a telenovela, he winked. "No problem, babe." My brain short-circuited. Yoonji's nickname was now officially "babe." I leaned closer to her. "Is he your secret admirer?" I whispered. She shrugged. "Nah, he's my boyfriend ."

Yoonji dropped the boyfriend bomb. My jaw didn't just drop; it plummeted into the Earth's core, where it's probably sipping lava cocktails with confused dinosaurs.
"WHAT?" I blurted out, forgetting that we were in a crowded hallway. Yoongi's eyes widened, and I swear I saw a tiny panic button flash above his head. Yoonji, bless her clueless heart, blinked like a confused owl. "Do you guys know each other?" she asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and chaos. And that's when Yoongi and I pulled out our synchronized eye-roll routine. We'd perfected it during family dinners when our parents argued about whose turn it was to do the dishes. "She's my stepbrother," Yoongi deadpanned, as if we shared a gene pool made entirely of sarcasm. "And he's my stepsister," I chimed in, because why not add a dash of absurdity to this emotional rollercoaster?

Yoonji's brain short-circuited. I could practically hear the gears grinding. "Wait," she said, pointing at me, then at Yoongi. "You two are... related?" We nodded, our gazes locked on the exit sign as if it held the secrets of the universe. I diverted my gaze to yoonji and asked "But how you guys became a thing?"
"Well, I accidentally superglued his hand to his face once. It's a long story." Yoonji said grinning while looking at yoongi "See you around, babe!" And with that, he disappeared down the hallway,

As the bell chimed its melancholic tune, Yoonji and I exchanged a dramatic farewell. She twirled like a K-pop idol, blowing kisses to imaginary fans, while I attempted a graceful exit but tripped over my own shoelaces. We promised to meet at lunchtime, where we'd discuss the mysteries of the universe (or maybe just the cafeteria's mystery meat). And so, with backpacks slung over our shoulders and dreams of bubble tea dancing in our heads, we ventured off to our respective classes. Yoonji disappeared around the corner, leaving behind a trail of glitter glue and chaos. As for me, well, I navigated the hallways like a lost penguin, wondering if algebra would ever be relevant in my life.

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