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After Mr. Kim and Mom left, the Hyungline (except Suga) bid me good night and promptly vanished into dreamland. Now, it's just me, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung in this dimly lit living room. They exchange mischievous glances, like a secret society plotting the ultimate prank. I yawn, rubbing my eyes, ready to retreat to my cozy haven. But then, out of nowhere, Jungkook grabs my hand with the intensity of a squirrel discovering a hidden stash of acorns. His voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper, "Where are you going, little sissy?"

I was about to answer but Taehyung cut me off by saying "You're in hell stepsister.. we'll make you regret for coming into our life" I frown.. Actually I liked them but I didn't thought they hate me so much. Taehyung's words hang in the air like a dark cloud over a picnic. I raise an eyebrow, my inner sassometer hitting critical levels. "Hell, you say?" I retort, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, buckle up, boys, because I've got a one-way ticket to Sassylvania!"

Jungkook smirks turned into a done face, Jimin stifles a laugh, and Taehyung's eyes widen. But I'm not done. Oh no, I've got more savagery up my sleeve. "Regret?" I scoff, tossing my imaginary hair. "Darlings, I've survived family game nights, cryptic group chats,Your threats are mere mosquito bites on my unshakable confidence."

Jimin leans in, whispering, "You're brave, stepsister. But have you ever tried deciphering Jin's dad jokes? That's the real test." I shudder dramatically. "Jin's dad jokes," I say, "are the Bermuda Triangle of humor-once you're in, there's no escape."

As Jimin whisked Jungkook and Taehyung away like a ninja on a mission, I squinted my eyes. Jimin, the silent strategist, had just executed a flawless "Good Night, Sweet Prince" maneuver. But something smelled fishier than Jin's experimental sushi.

I leaned in, my inner Sherlock activated. "Ah-ha!" I thought, "This is no ordinary bedtime retreat. This is Operation Pillow Fort Showdown!"

You see, Jimin's silence wasn't defeat; it was a calculated ruse. He'd probably whispered to Jungkook, "Listen, buddy, we'll lure her into a false sense of security. Then, when she least expects it, BAM! Pillow fight chaos!"

But little did they know-I was the wild card. The game changer. The Gandalf of bedtime shenanigans. I tiptoed to the closet, where my secret weapon awaited: a pillow stuffed with extra sass.

As I re-entered the living room, Jimin smirked. Jungkook raised an eyebrow. Taehyung...well, Taehyung was busy trying to balance a spoon on his nose. Classic Tae.

"Ready, boys?" I declared, brandishing my sass-pillow. "Let the fluff fly!" And so, the Great Pillow War of 2024 commenced. Feathers danced, cushions soared, and Jimin's hair defied gravity like a rebellious cat.
In the end, we collapsed in giggles, pillows strewn like fallen soldiers. Jimin winked, Jungkook pouted, and Taehyung declared, "I've discovered the meaning of life: it's hidden in the sofa cushions."
And as we drifted off to sleep in the floor, tangled in laughter and pillow forts, I realized: Maybe, just maybe, family isn't about blood ties-it's about who you can bean with a pillow and still share a midnight snack.


Now, at the crack of dawn, I tiptoed into the living room, my eyes adjusting to the soft morning light. And there, amidst the chaos of feathers and torn pillows, lay our peculiar family tableau.

Y/N, the unsuspecting catalyst, had become the gravitational center of our makeshift constellation. Her head rested on Jungkook's chest, legs sprawled across Jimin's stomach. Jimin, ever the human pretzel, clung to her legs like a koala with separation anxiety. Meanwhile, Taehyung-our resident cuddle monster-had ensnared Jungkook in a bear hug, their limbs tangled like spaghetti in a pot.

𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 || 𝐁𝐓𝐒 || 𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐖𝐎𝐎 𝐅𝐅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ