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**"Ring ring."**

The alarm clock's shrill cry echoed through Y/N's room, shattering the morning stillness. She groaned, flailing her arm in a desperate attempt to silence the relentless noise. But her aim was off, and the alarm clock plummeted to the floor with a resounding


Y/N's mother stood in the doorway, her expression a mix of exasperation and amusement.
"This is the 50th time this month, Y/N,"
she sighed.
"Maybe it's time to invest in an indestructible alarm clock."
But Y/N knew better. It wasn't the alarm's fault—it was her own unruly dreams that kept her hitting the snooze button. Dreams of dragons, lost cities, and whispered prophecies that refused to let her wake up on time. As she rubbed her eyes and stumbled out of bed, Y/N wondered if perhaps her destiny had a different alarm clock—one that rang with stardust and called her to adventures beyond the mundane.

She changed her clothes into this..

She changed her clothes into this

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Her hair..

(A/n : ignore the sunglass)

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(A/n : ignore the sunglass)

Yn stood at the school gate, her gaze fixed on the bustling outset of the school. The morning had been a whirlwind: a hurried breakfast downstairs, her mother dropping her off, and then off to work. The schoolyard buzzed with activity—students chatting, backpacks slung over shoulders, and the promise of a new day ahead. Yn took a deep breath, ready to embrace whatever adventures awaited her within those unfamiliar walls.
On her first day of high school Y/N found herself in Seoul once again. A decade ago, she and her mother had ventured abroad, leaving behind her memories with her father,the bustling streets and familiar faces. But now, business meetings and obligations had drawn them back to Korea—the city of neon lights and hidden alleyways.
The Seoul International School awaited her—a tapestry of cultures, languages, and dreams. Y/N stepped through the gates, her backpack heavy with anticipation. The corridors echoed with laughter and whispered secrets. She wondered if the lockers held stories of their own, etched into the metal like graffiti on a subway wall.


I found myself lost in a maze of polished marble and echoing footsteps. The grandeur of the school was both awe-inspiring and intimidating, It's been 15 mins I've started to search for the principal office. I didn't cared about being late but this is my first day here and you know first impression is the best impression.
As i turned a corner, my shoulder collided with something solid—a human-shaped obstacle that sent my stumbling backward. I winced, instinctively reaching for my forehead where it had met the force of impact. My eyes widened as they locked onto a pair of stormy gray ones—the boy i'd just bumped into.

He was tall, with unruly dark hair and an air of aloofness that made my nerves tingle. I stammered an apology, i found it necessary cuz I was the one who walked fast tho. But the boy's response shattered my fragile attempt at reconciliation. His lips curved into a disdainful smirk, and he muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like "clumsy."

Frustration bubbled up in me. Who did he think he was? I scoffed, my own temper flaring. I wasn't one to back down easily.
"Well, excuse me for not having a GPS installed in my brain,"
I shot back, my voice were dripping with sarcasm.

The boy's eyebrows shot up, surprise flickering across his features. I turned on my heel,and walked away. I could feel his gaze burning into my back, but I didn't gave a shit to look back.

After twenty minutes of searching, I finally found the principal's office. As I stepped inside, the air seemed to hold a sense of anticipation. The principal, a poised woman with graying hair, greeted me with a warm smile. I mirrored her expression, my nerves settling slightly.

She handed me my class schedule—a crisp sheet of paper that held the promise of new beginnings. "Good luck," she said, her voice carrying a blend of encouragement and authority. I nodded, my heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and apprehension.
The corridors echoed with the footsteps of other students, each on their own journey through the labyrinth of education.

As the bell's echo faded, I slipped into the classroom, my heart racing. The teacher, a stern figure at the front, fixed her gaze on me. "Introduce yourself," she commanded, her tone brooking no argument.

I squared my shoulders, ready to face my new classmates. But instead of the usual polite pleasantries, something fierce bubbled up within me. Perhaps it was the adrenaline from my tardy entrance, or maybe it was the lingering frustration from my encounter earlier. Whatever the reason, I decided to make an impression—one that would linger long after my words had faded.

I cleared my throat, my eyes sweeping over the expectant faces. "Listen up, fellow scholars," I began, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
"I'm Y/N, the latecomer extraordinaire. Yes, I know, you're all dazzled by my impeccable timing." A few stifled chuckles rippled through the room.

"But fear not," I continued, leaning against the nearest desk. "I come bearing wisdom. First lesson: Life is too short for punctuality. Second lesson: If you cross me, expect a verbal lashing that would put a dragon to shame."
The teacher's eyebrows shot up, but I pressed on. "And third lesson: Never underestimate the power of a well-timed eye roll."

The room held its breath. My classmates exchanged glances, unsure whether to be amused or alarmed. The teacher's stern expression wavered, and for a moment, I wondered if I'd gone too far. But then she chuckled—a genuine, surprised sound that echoed through the room.

"Welcome, Y/N," she said, her eyes twinkling. "You've certainly made an entrance." And just like that, the ice broke. Laughter erupted, and I found myself grinning. Maybe—just maybe—this new chapter wouldn't be so bad after all.
And so, in that classroom filled with curious eyes and hidden stories,
My gaze lingered on the girl who stared at me, her expression a mix of shock and curiosity. I couldn't resist—a playful wink and a smirk were my silent retort. But the teacher's voice interrupted our silent exchange.

"Y/N," she said, her tone firm yet kind. "You'll be sitting next to Jungkook." I followed her gaze to a boy with a bunny-like face—Jungkook. His eyes held a spark of mischief, and a smirk tugged at his lips. Curious, I settled into the seat beside him, wondering what adventures awaited in this unexpected pairing.

The classroom buzzed with whispered secrets and hidden glances. Jungkook leaned closer, his voice low. "Latecomer extraordinaire, huh?" he teased, his eyes dancing. "I'm Jungkook—the resident troublemaker."

I chuckled. "Y/N," I replied. "Savage wordsmith."

His smirk widened. "Well, Y/N, let's see if we can survive this academic rollercoaster together." And just like that, the stage was set—a collision of personalities, a clash of wit, and perhaps, a hint of something more.

As the teacher droned on about algebra and history, I stole a glance at Jungkook. His eyes met mine, and for a moment, time hung suspended. Maybe—just maybe—this unexpected seating arrangement would lead to a story worth telling.


In the upcoming chapter, brace yourself for more twists and turns as the narrative unfolds. Your enjoyment remains my top priority! 📖✨


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