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As they finished their rude introductions, my mom asked me to introduce myself too. So, I turned to them and started my dramatic intro:

"Listen up, folks! I'm Choi yn, the Master of Chaos, and the Supreme Commander of Snark. My hobbies include eye-rolling, and making sarcastic comments. Buckle up, because you're about to witness the epic saga of my existence. "

BTS stood there, jaws dropped, as I delivered my introduction. But then, my dear mother, bless her heart, chimed in with a nervous laugh,
"She's so funny, don't mind her." I scoffed, of course. Because when you're the comedic prodigy that I am, you don't just mindlessly accept praise. No, you raise an eyebrow, adjust your invisible crown, and continue being the life of the party.

Ah, the grand dining room-a place where culinary dreams collide with reality, and where the battle cry is not "Bon appétit!" but rather "Brace yourselves, taste buds!" As we entered, the maids had transformed the table into a veritable food fortress. It was like a medieval feast, but with fewer knights and more butter.

First, there was the Bread Tower of Babel crusty baguettes stacked precariously, reaching for the chandelier. I half-expected them to break into a chorus of "I Will Survive."

Next, behold the Salad Symphony: a cacophony of greens, tomatoes, and cucumbers, all dressed in a vinaigrette that whispered, "You're on a diet? Not anymore!"

The Pasta Parthenon stood proudly in the center-a carb-laden marvel. The fettuccine columns supported a roof of Parmesan shingles, and the meatballs were rumored to be the eighth wonder of the world.

But wait, what's this? The Jellybean Jamboree! A rainbow of sugary orbs spilled from crystal bowls, defying the laws of physics. I swear I saw one bounce off the ceiling and wink at me.

And then, the pièce de résistance: the Chocolate Fountain of Eternal Temptation. It flowed like a cocoa lava flow, drawing unsuspecting marshmallows to their gooey demise. The maids wore hazmat suits, for they knew the risks of chocolate inhalation.

As we took our seats, I surveyed the scene. The bts, once poised and elegant, now resembled kids in a candy store.
My dear mother leaned over and whispered, "Isn't this excessive?" I scoffed, adjusting my invisible crown. "Mother," I replied, "when faced with a feast like this, one does not simply nibble. We conquer. Now pass me the jellybeans-I'm feeling rebellious."

And so, we dined-laughter echoing, waistbands expanding, and the maids watching in horror as the Bread Tower swayed. As the night wore on, the bts abandoned their diets, and my comedic genius reached new heights. The room buzzed with mirth, and somewhere, a salad wept.

In the end, we left the dining room victorious, bellies full, and hearts lighter. The maids, exhausted but triumphant, whispered, "Next time, let's order pizza." And I, the reigning monarch of wit, agreed wholeheartedly. 🍕

We found ourselves back in the living room, the air thick with tension. Mr. Kim, our unsuspecting conductor of chaos, cleared his throat, and the room held its breath. His words hung in the air like a poorly executed magic trick: "Kids... we're planning to get married."

I looked at my mom with wide open mouth, as i saw a ghost. she looked down, and my braincells are not working anymore.Is this a prank? Did I accidentally stumble into a K-drama?

But before I could utter a single syllable, Jimin-the resident drama queen oops I mean king-burst forth like a firecracker. "Dad," he declared, his voice reaching operatic heights, "we can't accept her nor her daughter as our family. This is madness! Stop this melodramatic charade!"

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