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As the bell rang, releasing us from the classroom's confines, I stepped out into the bustling hallway. My mind still buzzed with thoughts of Jungkook, his eyes like twin lasers that had dissected my concentration during the lecture.

And then she appeared-the girl who had been shocked when I introduced myself. Her eyes bore into mine, questioning and curious.
"Why didn't you tell us you were transferring here?" she asked, her voice laced with a mix of surprise and suspicion.

"I wanted to surprise you all, Jennie," I whispered to the girl standing before me. Her eyes widened, and then she pulled me into a tight hug. It felt like coming home after a long journey. The warmth of her embrace was a balm to my soul.

"We all missed you so much," she murmured, her voice filled with emotion. I nodded, unable to speak. It had been a tough decision to transfer schools, but seeing Jennie's face made it all worthwhile.

"What's your next class?" she asked, her eyes curious. I glanced at my schedule. Unfortunately, we weren't in the same class. "Math," I replied, trying to sound enthusiastic. Jennie wrinkled her nose playfully. "Ugh, math. Well, at least we'll meet during lunch. I'll come to take you to the cafeteria."

And just like that, she disappeared into her classroom. I stood there, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. New beginnings were both thrilling and terrifying. But with my besties by my side, I knew I'd find my way.
As the bell rang, I took a deep breath and followed the signs to my math class. Lunchtime couldn't come soon enough.

The first half of my classes went smoothly, without any encounters with that mysterious boy or Jungkook. Jennie appeared to guide me to the cafeteria. As we walked, I confided in her that my mother had relocated to Korea for business reasons, which ultimately led to my transfer here,
Stepping into the cafeteria, a hush fell over the room. The students, mid-conversation and laughter, turned their attention toward me. I couldn't help but smirk, realizing that my arrival had disrupted the usual rhythm of their day. It was a strange mix of pride and vulnerability-a new face in a sea of familiar ones.

Jennie pulled me over to a table where three girls were already seated. I recognized their faces-my childhood best friends. Their warm hugs enveloped me as they saw me standing before them. They are Lisa, Jisoo, Jennie, and Rose.
"Jennie told us everything, we are really happy to see you, cupcake," Jisoo unnie said in a warm, motherly tone.

Jisoo unnie and Lisa unnie are currently attending university, while Jennie informed me that both university students and high school students share the same cafeteria for lunch.
As we were talking about life and all, the students suddenly erupted into screams. "It's BTS!" Rose exclaimed, her gaze fixed on someone. I followed her eyes and saw seven boys entering the cafeteria. But my initial confusion quickly turned into shock. Among those boys were the stranger boy and Jungkook, accompanied by five others. I swiftly averted my gaze back to my friends.

Jennie understood what I'm thinking about, and she said, "Yes, that's Jungkook and YN. Stay away from them; they are the school bullies"
However, her tone softened as she added,
"But Taehyung is a nice boy." Her cheeks flushed slightly, revealing more than her words.
"But Namjoon is even better, and his dimples are so adorable," Lisa unnie said, her cheeks tinted with a blush. "No, no! Jimin is even cuter..." Rose's cheeks flushed as she defended her bias.
"I guess Jin is even cuter, and he is a matured one," Jisoo unnie also blushed.

Like that, they started arguing. I looked back, only to see BTS observing us. Jungkook and the stranger boy-I mean Taehyung-were smirking, their eyes fixed on me.
Rolling my eyes, I swiveled my head to witness their relentless bickering. Seriously, it was like watching a K-drama love triangle on steroids.

"Enough already, team!" I declared, channeling my inner drama queen. "I get it-they're your crushes, and yes, they're all drop-dead gorgeous. But can we please shift our focus from their dimples to our dumplings? "
Their stunned expressions were indeed priceless. They nodded their heads in agreement and finally focused on their food, their chatter momentarily silenced by the promise of a satisfying meal. As for me, I savored my noodles, feeling like the referee of a lunchtime showdown.
Bam! Cold water splashed over my head, and I swear I heard a dramatic violin screech in the background.
Blackpink, our resident girl squad with the intensity of a thousand K-drama plot twists, turned into fierce lionesses. Their teeth were gritted so hard, I half-expected sparks to fly.
And there she was-Mia, the unsuspecting girl behind me, caught in the crossfire. Her expression? Pure deer-in-headlights panic.
"What do you think you're doing, Mia?" Rose unnie (who could give any K-pop idol a run for their money in the drama department) demanded, her voice dripping with more tension than a tangled headphone cord.
Mia smirked, her eyes glinting like a mischievous cat. "Just taught a lesson to this newbie," she drawled, her accent as sharp as her stilettos. "As a student here, she has to know her place.and not to mess with me"
I blinked. Newbie?Know her place? Was this cafeteria or a medieval castle? 🏰
But before I could respond, Jennie (our cafeteria referee) stepped in, wielding a lunch tray like a seasoned gladiator. 🛡️
"Ladies, ladies!" Jennie's voice echoed across the cafeteria, silencing the murmurs. "Let's save the waterworks for the next K-drama episode, shall we?" She winked at me, and I couldn't help but grin.
And just like that, the cafeteria returned to its usual chaos-chopsticks clattering, hormones lingering, and BTS still smirking from the corner. As for Mia? Well, she'd probably think twice before launching a surprise water attack during lunchtime. 💧🍜
Note to self: Next time, bring an umbrella to the cafeteria. You know, just in case. ☂️

Time sprinted like it was competing in a marathon. Now, I find myself standing at the school gate alongside Blackpink, waiting for my driver to pick me up.After five minutes, my driver arrived, and I bid farewell to my best friends. Blackpink, being the independent queens they are, hopped into their own car and headed home after saying their goodbyes. They stood there, watching over me like overprotective sisters, until my driver whisked me away.
Ah, the joys of having a squad that's equal parts fierce and caring!
As I stepped into my house, I was greeted by the sight of my mother sitting on the couch, her expression etched with nervousness.

Hold onto your bookmarks, dear reader-the saga continues! 📖✨

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