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Wedding day....

Ah, the cosmic comedy of life! Here I am, a bewildered bystander, watching my mom waltz down the aisle in her white mermaid gown, like a majestic sea creature who accidentally wandered into a wedding. Mr. Kim, the unsuspecting groom, looks like he's about to embark on a daring expedition to discover the lost city of Atlantis. As they exchange vows, I can't help but wonder if they're secretly plotting to build an underwater empire together. Perhaps they'll rule over schools of fish and negotiate treaties with seahorses. And me? Well, I'm the confused mer-child, torn between two worlds: the land of terrestrial awkwardness and the deep blue sea of matrimonial mysteries. As the organ plays, I contemplate my fate. Will I inherit a trident or a toaster? Only time will tell. But for now, let's raise our glasses (filled with saltwater, of course) and toast to this aquatic union. May their love be as boundless as the ocean and their arguments as tempestuous as a storm at sea. Cheers, my fellow fish out of water.



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I looked back flanked by the ethereal beings known as BTS, resplendent in their white suits

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I looked back flanked by the ethereal beings known as BTS, resplendent in their white suits. Were they angels descended from the heavens? Or perhaps they were just exceptionally well-dressed deliverymen, here to deliver harmonious melodies and killer dance moves.

But wait! My eyes, those magnificent orbs of aesthetic discernment, veered away from the celestial septet. And there, amidst the celestial chaos, stood Cha Eun-woo. His gaze, wider than a UFO sighting, locked onto me. Was it admiration? Shock? Or perhaps he mistook me for a rare Pokémon? (I mean, I do have a captivating evolution line.)

In that moment, I felt like the Mona Lisa—mysterious, enigmatic, and slightly perplexed. My inner monologue went something like this: "Yes, Cha Eun-woo, I am beautiful. My cheekbones could cut glass, and my charisma level is over 9000. But why the wide-eyed stare? Did he mistake me for a unicorn? Or worse, a tax auditor?"

As the organ played a dramatic chord, I pondered my options. Should I wink? Should I strike a pose? Or should I casually summon a rainbow to arch gracefully behind me? Decisions, decisions.

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