Risk It All

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Hey guys, I'm back again! Enjoy the chapter and do not forget to drop your votes and comments I appreciate it all😊 This might be the last chapter and it's so long nearly 6K😅

If needed I will write additional or side chapter, You Choose, You can request whatever you want the side chapter will be about🥰



"He's back" A nearby foggy voice interrupted my thoughts.

When did we reach this state?

"Khun Vegas" I should have known better...How did I let myself be fooled by all those fake words?!

"Khun Vegas, Are you listening?" The same voice mixed up with my inner voice.

"I'm sorry what did you say earlier?" I asked turning to the policeman who was talking to me.

"He's back again...Right? He's the same killer?" The man doubted as he was eyeing the dead body.

"let's not jump to conclusion yet maybe he's another serial killer who is trying to copy his method...You know nothing is confirmed yet" I indicated while I was on my knees examining my lover's dead victim.

"But it seems like the same old method, I don't think he's a copy killer, I guess he just took time off then now he's back and that's not good news for locals, We must catch him as soon as possible" The man made clear, I'm in deep shit right now! Well, what did I expect? That they would turn a blind eye to his crimes from now on? This is just ridiculous!

"Okay...We'll do our best" I responded while my mind was occupied with several things.

I just hope the situation won't be dangerous, Pete isn't the type of sloppy killer, He doesn't leave any traces behind as always, We couldn't catch him after the crimes he committed not until I caught him myself and it wasn't due to his unskilled killing but it was because I got too close to him to be able to catch a glimpse of his dark side.

"Sir, I found this!" One of the investigation guys' team came forward and extended his hands to us holding a tiny piece of glass that contained a red fluid, To be specific a drop of blood...

"Is that a blood??" The policeman questioned urgently.

Please don't say it...It can't be!

"Yes sir, We found it near the body on the floor it's a tiny drop of blood and we suppose that it might belonged to the killer" The man clarified.

"It could be the victim's blood too..." I uttered without much thinking, What the hell am I even saying?! It's not like this could be any of help! The situation is already tough and it's a matter of time until they find out the killer's identity!

If it's Pete's blood then we're doomed!

"Let me see" I yanked the blood sample with uneasiness.

I guess my stress was showing as everyone in the room was now staring at me with surprised expressions on their faces, I tried to get myself together then I spoke, "Show me the spot where you found the blood" I demanded and the man who brought it nodded and led the way to show me.

So after all it seems that Pete fucked up and left a trace of him for the first time, What an amazing coincidence is this for God's sake!

After that, I went back home feeling frustrated I just had to endure it until the results of the blood sample came to light but of course, I couldn't sit and do nothing so I told Pete that we were going to change the date of the trip because we're running out of time.

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