Rescue part 2

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Dabi's pov :

I haven't seen Izuku for two days. I hope he's alright. I wish I could have done something for him. I thought to myself as I was walking through the bar area to head outside. Before I could get to touch I door knob Shigaraki started speaking.

"Where are you going?" He asked me. I sighed. "I'm going to clear my head." I told him. "And what are you going to do, Shigaraki? Are you going to torture Izuku today?" I asked him. His smirk soon faded.

"I wish, but Master wanted to have him for a few days." Shigaraki grunted out. My heart shattered. We all knew what All For One was capable of, so giving Izuku to him is just a death wish. 

"Why did you let All For One have him for a few days?!" I yelled out. Poor Izuku, I can't even imagine what he must be feeling. "I had to. I can't disobey his orders and the same rule appliesto everyone here." Shigaraki said.

I need to do something, but what? I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head. "Kurogiri portal, please." I asked him. He opened the portal, and I walked through to find myself in an alleyway. I pulled on my hoodie before walking out.

I walked down the road to a small market where there was sushi. I decided to buy some for me. Maybe that can clear my head.

"Hello, can I have the sushi combo, please?" I asked politely. The woman who was behind the counter gave me a smile and handed me the sushi combo. I gave her money for the sushi. "Have a wonderful day." She said as I started leaving. I just replied with thank you.

I walked to a place and took a seat on a chair. I began eating my sushi. My mind was full of thoughts. I feel so bad for Izuku. He doesn't deserve this. My thoughts shifted to when I was back at the bar.

Shigaraki looked pissed. I guess he didn't really like All For One taking Izuku for a few days. I picked up a piece of sushi and placed it in my mouth. I need to help him, but how?

Maybe I can call the pro heroes, but do I really want to risk it. If I ask them to help me, they would definitely do it, but they would have questions. Then they would want me in jail as well. I sighed.

I soon cleared my thoughts and carried on eating my sushi. "Um.. hello?" I looked up to see a cop standing next to me. "Hello, do you need something, officer?" I asked.

"Yes, there is." I watched as he turned and pulled out two papers from his pockets. "Have you seen these two kids recently or anytime for that matter?" He questioned, showing me the photos. One was Izuku, and the other was that healing kid.

I thought for a while before speaking. "Yes, I have seen them." I said. He just looked at me. "Okay, and when was the last time you've seen them?" He asked me. "Two days ago." I said without fear. I needed to save Izuku, so I, of course, told him that I had seen Izuku two days ago.

"Okay, well, I'll need you to take your hoodie of sir so we can see who you are." He said. His voice remained calm. I hesitated for a bit but soon realized that I'm doing this for Izuku's sake.

I pulled off my hoodie to reveal my scarred face. I looked up at the cop to see him staring in shock. I watched as he moved a few steps back. "D-dabi? You're Dabi!" He yelled out. He pulled his gun out to me. "Hey, no reason to point a gun at me. I'm not planning on running away." I told the cop.

He hesitated but soon lowered his gun. He walked up to me again and asked me to put my hands behind my back, so I did. "Stand up." He said in almost a commaning tone. I stood up like he said, and he walked me to the police car. I looked back at my sushi, which wasn't even finished.

He opened the door of his car and placed me in the back seat. Once I was in fully, he closed the door and went to the drivers seat. He put the keys in and started driving.

I looked out the window and watched the buildings that we had gone past. I noticed that there wasn't really anybody on the pavements. "Hey." I said, trying to get the cop's attention.

"Hey." I repeated but a bit louder. The policeman looked at the rearview mirror. "What is it?" He questioned. "Why aren't there people outside their homes?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well, what do you think?" The policeman asked me in a stern tone. "Well, I don't really know. Is it a lazy day?" I asked in a joking manner. "No. Gosh, you villains really are annoying!" He yelled out.

After that, the policeman refused to answer any of my questions. I leaned back into the back seat and tilted my head to face the window next to me. I started singing a little tune that I used to sing when I was younger.

I moved my head to look at my hands. All the people that I've hurt by these hands. All the souls I let burn. They were done by my hands. Except for Izuku, I only hurt him. I never burnt him to death.

I really want to know how he's doing. "Hey!" I lifted my head up quickly to see the policeman looking at me. I didn't even realize we stopped. I watched as the policeman walked out of the car and went to my door and opened it.

I walked out of the car and looked ahead to see the police station. I laughed a bit. Can't believe this is actually happening. I never thought I would be caught or even help them for the most part.

I felt the policeman pulling me towards the police station. The building looks so big up close. I look at the doors and see another policeman walking out. I watched as he spotted the policeman who was taking me to the station.

"Hey Mark!" He yelled out. I hummed. So that's his name, Mark. I tried asking his name earlier, but he didn't respond to any of my questions. "Oh, hey Dante." He said back.

"Mark, who's that you've got there?" The policeman named Dante asked. "Ah, I got Dabi. I found him eating sushi at a local market." Mark said to Dante. "Oh okay well hope you do well." He told Mark before leaving to his own car.

"Ah... so your name is Mark." I said in a sly tone. "Yeah, so what?" Mark said as he continued to bring me into the police station. We walked into the police station, and it was just full of cops.

We walked past the man working by the desk and just carried on moving forward.

"So where are we headed?" I asked. "To the chief." Mark said, not daring to bat an eye at me. We walked up a flight of stairs. We were now on the second floor. We walked and walked until we stopped by a dark blue door.

Mark knocked on the dark blue door. "Who is it?" The voice on the other side asked. "Officer Mark and I have a person who can help with the 2 missing persons case." Mark said.

"You can come in." The voice said. Mark placed his hand on the door knob and opened the door. We then walked into the Chief's office. I looked up to see the chief sitting in a seat behind his desk.

"Well, Mark, just drop him on this seat here." The chief pointed to the seat opposite his desk. Mark placed me on the seat and then left the room.

Now it was me and the chief. "So what are you going to do now?" I asked the chief. "I'm gonna call Eraserhead." He answered. I watched as he picked up the phone and dialed a number in it.

1388 words


Hey guys, sorry this took so long to post, and I'm sorry if it's cringe. Anyway, I  promise the next chapter I will be done in 2-3 days

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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