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Izuku pov:

I wake up to my head pounding. 'Shit, what happened?' I think to myself. 'Oh, now I remember.' I look around, but this, it isn't the same room I was in before. The room was dark. The only light was a small lamp on the ceiling, but it was very dull. I look down at my hands and see nothing because of how dark it is in here. 'But I heard shackles, didn't I?' I think to myself as I move my hands again and then I hear the shackling noise again. I have shackles around my wrists. I try to sit up but fall back. 'Looks like my ankles are also shackled.'

I rub my butt since it hurts. I hear a creak. My head shot up as I looked around the room. I hear the creak again. I look to where the creaking is coming from and see a small peep of light. It looks like a door. The door slowly opened. I saw a hand go through where the gap was and watched as the hand went to the wall and knocked on it.

A figure then walks slowly through the door. The light reflected but only on his back, so I still couldn't see him properly. I could only make out that it was a guy.

"Hello Izuku. Nice to see you awake. How was your nap?" The voice sounded like Dabi's, but I didn't know for sure. "Fine, if you don't want to talk, you don't have to. I just came here because Shigaraki wanted to talk to you." I looked down at my legs. I looked back up, and the guy was walking closer to me.

I tried backing away but only to be met by a wall. The guy grabbed my hand roughly and began undoing my shackles. He then grabbed me and dragged me out of the room. I was now met with blinding light. I shut my eyes tight as my eyes hit light. I slowly squinted my eyes to get used to the light. I looked up at the guy, and it was Dabi. His hand was wrapped around my wrist roughly as he dragged me to the bar area.

"Here he is. Just liked you asked." Dabi threw me on the floor. I pushed myself up and looked at Shigaraki. His blood red eyes met my emerald eyes. "Good, you can go now and don't eavesdrop, or I will have your head on display." Shigaraki threatened Dabi. Dabi slowly walked out of the room he then closed the door, and Shigaraki and I faced each other again.

"Izuku Midoriya, do you know why I have called for you to see me?" Shigaraki gave me a glare. A threatening one. "Y-you wanted to talk to me." I answered him. My voice was a little hoarse from not drinking anything. "Correct, and I also wanted to give you a gift. How does that sound?" Shigaraki had a grin on his face that said there was something wrong. "Horrible." I stated, giving him a glare.

"Oh, Izuku, Izuku, Izuku, that's not the way you speak to your master." Shigaraki had a sickening sweet voice as he talked to me. "You are not my master and you never will be!" I exclaimed at him. "Oh, I will, and you will obey my orders, you hear me!" He shouted at me.

"Anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to give you these white clothes you must wear because I don't want you shirtless and to die from a cold." Shigaraki said as he threw white clothes at me. "Oh, and also here is your gift." Shigaraki pulled out a shock collar. I tensed. I fell to the floor. "Oh, are you scared it's just a shock collar it won't hurt you just yet." Shigaraki got off of his seat and walked towards. He crouched down in front of me and put the collar around my neck, and secured it tightly.

"There you go." Shigaraki smirked. I put my hands over the collar and tried to pull it off. "Oh, you poor thing." Shigaraki said before sending jolts of electricity to me. I screamed. "Music to my ears." Shigaraki said his voice was sickly sweet again. He then turned it off and put the remote in his pocket. I was breathing heavily as my forehead touched the wooden floors.

"Okay, now listen and listen carefully." Shigaraki glared at me and then continued. "You are to do whatever we say. Everyone in this base has a remote, so be bad, and you get shocked. Your choice. You are to not speak unless spoken to. You will be allowed one serving a day. You will be escorted to the lab for experimenting for 2 hours a day. Now that I have told you the list that you have to follow. DABI, YOU CAN COME NOW!!" Shigaraki shouted for Dabi.

After a few minutes, Dabi came through the door. "You can take him to his cell. I have already told him everything he needs to know." Shigaraki gestured with his hand to get out. As Dabi picked me up, Shigaraki called me. "Oh and Izuku, you will start tomorrow, so wake up early and get enough rest." Shigaraki said as he watched me leave. Dabi had his grip on my wrist as we walked down the hallway. There were a bunch on different doors.

After a few minutes of walking, we made it to my cell. Dabi opened the metal door and threw me in. I landed on the cold floor, and Dabi laughed at me. I heard the door shut. The cell was dark again, and that light was gone. I make my way to the corner and sit back. I touch my neck as I feel the shock collar. I felt like an animal in a cage. I tried to pull the collar off, but it wouldn't work.

'I can't give up. I need to stay strong for my friends, teachers, all might, and my mother. I can't even imagine what pain she's in.' I look up and sigh. I slowly cry to myself as I think about everyone. I cried myself to sleep. 'Mom, I wish I was with you.'

1052 words


Hey guys, how are you. I hope you are well. Sorry, it's sloppy. I just wanted to finish. This chapter.

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