Got you!!

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Izuku pov :

Recovery girl said that Kacchan will be able to leave the office tomorrow, so I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow. I didn't realize I punched him that hard. I didn't even realize that I hurt him. I didn't realize my punch would do that much damage.

Kacchan has internal bleeding in his stomach, but Recovery sorted that out. Now he is just resting. I look at Kacchan as he lies in the bed. "I'm sorry." I whispered to him. "I really hope you are okay. Just know I didn't mean it. I know you said it wasn't my fault, but I can't stop blaming myself." I grabbed Kacchan's hand and held it tight. Tears slipped through my eye sockets as they hit my hand.

"Uh, Midoriya, I think it's best if you leave and give him some rest." I heard Recovery girl's voice behind me. I quickly wipe my tears and let go of Kacchan's hand. I turn around and walk past Recovery Girl. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause this much damage to him." I apologized to Recovery girl. "Don't worry, Midoriya, at least he isn't dead. Be happy about that. He is a strong student. You must believe in him, okay?" Recovery girl reassured me. I nod my head and walk away from the office and recovery girl.

I see Todoroki-kun and Iida standing talking in the hallway. "Hello, Todoroki-kun and Iida." I greeted as I ran up to them. "Hey Midoriya, where have you been?" Todoroki-kun questioned me.

"I had to take Kacchan to Recovery Girl's office because I injured him. She only said he was allowed out by tomorrow." I told Iida and Todoroki-kun.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Midoriya." Iida said in a sincere voice. I put on a smile. "Don't worry, we can see him tomorrow." I told them both. "Now goodbye. See you tomorrow!!" I yelled as I ran away, waving my hands. Before they could say bye back, I was already by the dorms, which are two corridors and a flight of stairs away from them. I place my bag down on the ground when I get to my dorm.

I walk to the showers and shower. Once I was finished, I walked back into my room and changed into my casual clothes. I grab some of my books out and place them on my small table and study. When the clock hit 22:38 PM. I placed my books back in my bag and went to sleep.

Time skip to the next day ~

I woke up the next day, still tired. I look at my clock and see it's 7:21 AM. 'Oh no, I'm going to be late for school!' I thought to myself as I jumped out of bed and showered, got into my uniform. Placed my bag on my back and rushed out the door. I made it to class 1 minute late, though.

"Midoriya, you late." Aizawa sensei said. His voice was dry and drained. "I am so sorry, Sensei. I promise it won't happen again." I bowed towards Aizawa sensei.

"Okay, I forgive you. Just don't be late again, okay?" Aizawa sensei said as he looked at me. "Okay, Sensei, it won't happen again." I walked to my seat and sat down. Aizawa continued with his lesson, and I looked over at the empty seat, which is where Kacchan sits. I can't wait to see him. Sadly, I can only see him after school.

Time skip to the training ~

We were practicing our quirks until a purple circle of mist appeared. I already know who it is. Kurogiri. I get into a fighting stance and glance at my friends and see them get in position too. The mist then closes. I look around and see Todoroki and Aizawa get pulled through the portal. "TODOROKI-KUN, SENSEI!!!" I screamed.

I look in front of me and see Shigaraki standing there with his hand around both Aizawa sensei's and Todoroki-kun's neck. One finger was lifted up. Preventing them from distergrating.

"What do you want?" I yell out to Shigaraki. "Oh, nothing much, just you." Shigaraki's voice was sicking sweet. I was still it felt like I couldn't move. "And if you don't come with us willingly, we will kill your pathetic teacher and excuse of a friend!" Shigaraki laughed. His laughter echoed throughout the whole field around us.

"So you saying if I come willingly, you won't kill them?" I lowered my head. "Well, yes, didn't you hear me! Or do I need to make myself clear!!" Shigaraki's grip tightened around Todoroki-kun and Aizawa sensei's neck.

"NO PLEASE DON'T. I WILL COME JUST LET THEM GO!!!" I screamed. Tears were streaming down my face. I walk over to Shigaraki. "DEKU-KUN NO DON'T DO THIS!!" I heard Uraraka's voice from behind me. I ignored her. When I was right beside Shigaraki, he placed his  hand around my neck. His index finger sticks out, preventing him from distergrating me.

"Now let's go shall we, Izuku Midoriya." Shigaraki whispered into my ear. I nodded my head cautiously. "Good. Now say bye to your friends because you won't even remember them next time you see them." Shigaraki's words sunk deep into my thoughts. 'What does he mean? I won't remember them again.'

I moved my head up and looked into my friends eyes. I put on a fake smile and wave to them. "Goodbye. It was really nice meeting you guys. I will miss you." Tears were pouring down my eyes. I could see their faces were covered with sadness, distraught, and anger.

I was soon pulled tightly into Kurogiri's portal by Shigaraki. His grip was fierce. I was soon consumed by the portal, and it was all black, and then I was in a bar. Shigaraki's hand is still around my neck. Shigaraki walks me towards a chair with rope next to it. 

"Sit." He commanded. I sat in the chair. I looked up and saw Toga, Dabi, Shigaraki, Twice, Compress, Spinner, and Kurogiri standing in front of me. "Dabi tie the boys' legs so he can't kick, and Toga, you do his hands." Shigaraki commanded. Dabi and Toga moved towards me. They grabbed the rope next to the chair I am sitting in and bounded my hands and legs to the chair.

I couldn't move out of the chair. I tried but failed. "I've got you now, Izuku Midoriya." Shigaraki said his voice was low and threatening.

Uraraka pov :

"De-deku-kun." I stuttered. The water in my eyes dripped down my face. I was crying. My hand was over my mouth. I was devastated. I was shaking. 'How could deku-kun do that. Just to save his friends?' I looked over at Todoroki, who was blaming himself for his friends capture. I walk over to him.

"T-todoroki, it's not your fault you know that." I tried to comfort him. "No, it is because of me!! If I was stronger! I could have gotten out of Shigaraki's grasp!" He was angry, sad, and devastated. "We will get him back, don't worry." I told Todoroki. He lifted his head up to look at me because he was curled up in a ball. "You mean it?" His voice was quiet, but I still managed to hear him. "Of course I do." I said to him. I saw his eyes light up.

1244 words


Hey guys, sorry it took so long. Part 2 is finished, and part 3 will be out tomorrow.

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