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Izuku pov :

I am sitting all alone, crying my eyes out. I just want this to stop. My nightmare won't stop replaying itself. I scream and yell, telling them (the voices) to stop. 'Come on, Izuku. You can't lose yourself to the voices or the villains. I then heard the cell door click open. My attention immediately went to the door.

"Morning sunshine. How are you on this beautiful morning?" Shigaraki was being sarcastic, and he knew I knew that.

"Morning." Was all I said to him. My voice was cracked and soft. "By the way, why were you screaming and yelling so much, Izuku?" Shigaraki was smirking at me. I saw that he was holding a tray of food.

"Why do you want to know?" I talked back. "Well, I need to know what's making you scream so much. It was very pleasant." Shigaraki's smirk turned into a grin. "Just a n-nightmare." I said as I carried on looking at Shigaraki. "Okay, well, it's good that you're having nightmares. Anyway, Toga managed to get a healer. So eat this up and then we will go see him."

Shigaraki handed me the tray. I knew there was no resisting, so I ate it. One piece by one piece. The food tasted good. "Now that you're finished, let's get you to the healer." Shigaraki pulled me up and told me to follow him. I followed him down the stairs and to the basement.

We walked down the dark basement until Shigaraki turned on the lights. I looked down to see a kid chained to the floor. He looked terrified. He was covered in small cuts. "Izuku, this is Kiro. He will help you heal." Shigaraki said as he lifted the child known as Kiro up. He groaned in pain. I watched as the chains dangled off the ground. "W-what did you do to him?" I questioned with fear in my voice.

"Toga just kidnapped him and gave him a few small wounds. What's wrong with that. Now Izuku's come here and let Kiro heal you." Shigaraki stared at me, waiting for me to let Kiro heal me. "No.." I said. I wasn't going to let an innocent child get hurt, and I wouldn't let him abuse his quirk just for me.

"NO, what do you mean NO?!" Shigaraki questioned with anger in his voice. "You are going to come here and get healed whether you like it or not!" Shigaraki was pissed. I watched as he gripped Kiro harshly. The little boy was crying in pain.

"Izuku, come here and get yourself healed. If you don't, I will hurt this kid." I watched as Shigaraki's 5th finger was moving closer to the boy's skin. With that, I quickly sat obediently and waited for the healing to start. "D-do the healing." I didn't look at Shigaraki. I just looked in the opposite direction. "Now Kiro heal him." I could feel as my body was feeling a lot better and in less and less pain. I then turned my head to look at the little boy. His eyes looked so dull. I feel so sorry for him.

I watched as all of my stitches and bruises disappeared. "Thank you, Kiro." I said in a soft tone that he could hear. The boy looked into my eyes, and I looked into his. I knew I had to do something.

"Shigaraki can K-Kiro sta-stay... with me?" I asked Shigaraki. The only thing I heard was silence. I wasn't sure if he was going to hit me or yell at me. "Sure." He said. I stared in shock. I guess he is giving me some things.

"..." I didn't want to thank him. He hurt me after all. He experimented on me. He changed the way I look. I shouldn't be thankful. "Okay, with that, let's get you to your cell, Izuku." Shigaraki unchained  Kiro and threw him towards me. I grabbed him before he hit the floor.

I picked him up, and Shigaraki led me back to my cell. "Izuku, I will see you in an hour." Shigaraki told me. "Okay." I said. I watched as Shigaraki walked out of the cell door. Shigaraki was now gone. It was just me and the kid, Kiro. I was hugging him tightly against my chest. "Kiro, how old are you?" I asked him with a smile on my face.

"I'm 7 years old." My heart shattered. A 7 year old boy was kidnapped. I feel so sorry for him, and I blame myself for his kidnapping. "How does your quirk work?" I asked him, patting his head lightly. "I can heal any wound n-no matter h-how big o-or how sma-small but I can't heal myself." He said. I continued to pat his head.

"I'm sorry. You probably think I'm a monster." I said with a cracked tone. "I mean, with all the dried blood covering my body, you would think I killed someone..." I continued talking. "I never meant for a little kid to get kidnapped. I'm s-so so sorry.... I never m-meant for you to get hurt. I never meant for any of this to happen -" I was cut off by the boy placing his hand over my lips. "Please don't blame yourself." He said with a sweet voice.

"I'm sorry, Kiro. From now on, I promise to protect you no matter what. I promise." I said with confidence in my voice. "Thank y-you." I hugged him tightly, making sure not to hurt him. "Uh, Izuku, is that your name?" Kiro asked me. "Yes, but you can call me Deku." I told him with pity in my voice.

"Okay, Deku." Kiro hugged me. I looked down to see that he was crying. "What is it?" I asked him with concern. "You are so kind to m-me y-yet... y-you don't even kn-know me that well.." Kiro cried into my chest. "Well, that's what I will do. I will care for anyone who is in need no matter what... You can consider me as your older brother." I carried on whispering soothing words.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked him, wanting to get to know Kiro better. "Blue and yours." He asked me. "Red."

"What's your favorite animal?" I waited for his response. "A snake and yours?" He asked me. "Snow tiger."

"Can I sleep on your lap?" Kiro asked me. "Of course you can." I watched as Kiro moved and positioned himself to lie down on my lap. I started humming a song I learned as a kid. I hummed the melody until Kiro was asleep. "I'm sorry." I whispered to myself.

1120 words


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