Not giving up

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Aizawa pov:

We drove in my car to Bakugou and talked to him. It was very hard, but we managed. He was a crying disaster. I reassured him. I left a little earlier than Todoroki and Uraraka. I left them to help Bakugou. I had other things to do. I drove my car through the city. My phone was on the passenger side. I look at it and then stop my car. I grabbed my phone and called Nezu.






"Hello, who is it?" I heard the chimera known as Nezu. "It's me, Shota. Shota Aizawa. I need to talk to you." "About what Shota?" I take a deep breath. "A few hours ago, my student Izuku Midoriya was kidnapped by the league of villains, and I need a plan." "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I will start thinking of a plan soon." I listen to Nezu as he speaks. "Can you call the other pros to a meeting right after school. I need to teach my kids tomorrow." "Will do Shota. See you tomorrow." I hung up.

I start driving again and make it to my house. My cat Oliver was waiting by the door for me. "Evening Oliver, sorry I only got back at this time." I look at the time on my phone and stare in shock. 'It's 8:23 pm.' "It's that late. OMG, I still need to feed you!" I unlock the door quickly and run to get Oliver food.

I grabbed the food on the shelf and got a bowl out of the cabinet. I poured some of the cat food in his bowl and placed it on the floor. "There you go eat up." I walk to my table and place my hand on it. I take a deep breath. 'Don't worry, Midoriya, we will find you.' I repeated in my head.

Midoriya was the only thing I could think of now. I take my hand away from the table and walk down my hallway and to my shower. I turn the water on medium and take my clothes off. I hopped in the shower. I washed my body, and then I hopped out of the shower. I wrapped the towel around me.

I walked out of the bathroom and to my bedroom. I get clothing on and go to sleep.

Time skip next day~

Izuku pov :

My eyes were heavy. I couldn't keep them open. I wanted to go back to sleep. As my eyes closed again, a force kicked me hard in the stomach that I coughed up blood. I sat up and stared at who it was. "Morning sunshine." It was Shigaraki's voice. I stared at him dead in the eyes. "Silent treatment. Fine, but remember you have the shock collar on." Shigaraki was smiling. "What do you want?" My voice was a bit hoarse but not too hoarse. "Oh, don't you remember you going to the lab." Shigaraki's smile grew.

"The lab?" "Yes, where you will be experimented on." I tensed. I didn't want to go there. I didn't know how it looked, but I did know that it gave me a weird feeling. "Oh, and I almost forgot." Shigaraki took out a remote for my collar. "I told you to wake up early, but you didn't. You didn't follow my orders and wasted my time. Why are you being a bad dog? Does master need to teach you a lesson?" Shigaraki came closer to me.

"Don't call me a dog! You are not my master!" I spat back at him. "Now you talking back, huh? Oh, I'm going to love this." I saw Shigaraki skip a few buttons and pressed the 3 one. My collar made a noise, and then electricity flowed through my body. It burned. I screamed, begged, and cried.

"Please stop it!" I was clawing at my collar, trying to get it off. "Sorry, no can do. You need to learn a lesson." I carried on clawing the collar off me, but sadly to no avail, it didn't work. "You know Izuku that collar also neutralizes your quirk, making you unable to use it." I stared at him in shock while screaming and crying. I can't use my quirk. And here I thought my quirk was stolen.

I was still screaming. "You know Izuku, I love hearing your screams. They are so fun to listen to." Suddenly, the pain went away. My body was tired. My throat was sore. My eyes were burning. I felt like passing out. But I knew I couldn't lose consciousness. "I think you learned your lesson, right?" I didn't want to be electrocuted, so I nodded my head. "Good boy." Shigaraki was so happy it made me sick.

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