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Izuku's pov :

My body was so sore from the injections. I kept blanking out. "...ku ..lle..  izuku hello you feeling alright?" I didn't bother responding to Andrew. He did harass me earlier. "Not talking, huh? The serums I injected into you must have made you really tired?" The serums burned. what was in there anyway? Were they more quirks or what? I mean, I can't really tell because of the collar erasing my quirk.

I felt so tired I could sleep any second. My thoughts were wild even if I was tired. As I close my eyes, the door bursts open. "Are the injections done? I see Shigaraki walking in. "Yes, they are. You can take him and bring him in tomorrow." Andrew began undoing the straps that strapped me to the cold metal table. As he did that, he glided his hand on my thigh when Shigaraki wasn't looking. I tensed. "Now that's what I call a glow up." Shigaraki said. I know he was referring to me and my tail and ears as well as my white hair.

"There you go. Go to Shigaraki and see you tomorrow." I didn't respond. "Hey brat, what did I say. Remember the rule. You speak unless spoken to. So speak." I didn't want to, but in the corner off my eye, I saw Shigaraki start to pull out the remote. I panicked. "S-see y-y-you tomorrow!!" I quickly replied. "Oh Andrew, since you new here you didn't get this." Shigaraki said as he pulled out a remote for my collar. "Here you go. You can use it whenever this brat doesn't behave or follow orders." Shigaraki gave the remote to Andrew. I'm doomed.

"Thank you so much, Shigaraki!" Andrew was very happy. I let my head hang low. I didn't want to look at the expression Andrew was giving me. I was sweating. I was tensed. My body was sore and tired. Needle holes trailed my arm. "Come on now, brat. You still have some torture to endure." Shigaraki was already walking. I quickly followed behind him. "We walked through the long hallway. As Shigaraki and I walk to wherever he was taking me. I looked around, looking for an exit door or something that could help me.

We carry on, walking down the hall. It felt like we had been walking for 30 minutes. "Here you go." Shigaraki said as he pushed me into my cell. I fell to the ground. "You look so pathetic." Shigaraki laughed. "Dabi, you can come now." Footsteps were heard coming from up the hall. "Finally. I have been waiting for so long that I almost fell asleep." Dabi yawned. "You can do anything you want with him. Just don't kill him." I watched as the blue haired male and the male with burnt skin and staples talked. I heard a few words like 'collect,' 'miserable,' 'pain,' 'mark,' 'death'. Those were just some of the words I heard.

I heard the door open, revealing Dabi with a smug grin on his face. I wanted to hit him with 45% OFA so badly, but why quirk us currently unable to work die to this stupid collar. "Izuku, you ready to start?" I didn't respond quickly, but I still did respond to Dabi's question. "Not really. My body's already as sore as it is from the injections." I didn't dare to look at Dabi. I didn't want to see him. I just wanted this to be over with. "Look at me in the eyes!" He commanded. I looked into his eyes immediately. "Good." He patted my head.

⚠️ Torture and human branding if uncomfortable skip until you see this ⚠️

"You really look like a dog now. That tail and those ears." Dabi laughed. I almost forgot I had them. "I'm surprised your hair turned white." I wish he could just stop talking. "I really love what they did. Izuku, you are one heck of an animal." Dabi kept on patting my head. I growled. Showing my bare teeth. "Hey, look at that. You also have fangs!" Dabi looked very excited about that.  "Okay, enough talking. Now we have to start." Dabi lights his palms in his blue fire. "Where should I burn you first? Your face or your arms? I wonder." Dabi's hand hovered over me. His hand was about 30 cm away from me, and I could already feel the heat of his fire.

"Oh, I know your face! I hate seeing that smile you give. It's time for that to disappear." Dabi placed his hand over my face. The flames burnt badly. I was screaming and begging him to stop. I struggled against the older males grip. I tried punching and kicking, but it didn't work. "You like this, don't yah!" The flames extinguished from Dabi's palm, and my face was hurting. Dabi  walked away and came back with a metal rod with a plate at the bottom that had writing on it. "You know what human branding is, right?" Dabi grinned. He wants to brand me. I panicked. I tried to get out of the cell, but the door was locked. "No no no no~ you not leaving." Dabi grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and threw me against the wall. "Agh." I groaned in pain.

"Don't worry, it will only hurt for a second." Dabi gripped my shirt and pulled it off of me. Revealing me to the coldness. I watched as Dabi grabbed the metal rod and heated the bottom of it with his quirk. "Don't move." He placed the heat bottom of the metal rod under my collar bone. "Try not to scream, okay?" Dabi then placed the heated part directly on my skin under my collar bone. "Aaahhhhhhhhh!!!" I screamed. My scream was loud and blood curdling. Dabi then removed the heated part off of my skin and placed it in a barrel that had water in it. "There now you belong to us." I looked down and saw that it said.

Property of the League of Villains

"Now you still need to pay for resisting and attempting to fight me." I watched as Dabi's hand moved from his legs to the inside of his pockets. I watched as he grabbed the remote and pressed the button. Electric waves sounded, and volts of electricity shot through my system , and I did my best not to scream, but that was a mistake because Dabi turned the electrical waves higher. Which means it was more painful. I screamed. This lasted for about 5 minutes. I felt like I was going to faint any minute.

"Hey, hey, you not going to sleep yet!" Dabi kicked me hard in my abdomen. He carried on kicking me by my legs, arms, stomach, sides, and my face. "Woah, Izuku, I never knew you could be messed up this badly. I can't wait to hit you more, but I think you have suffered enough today." Dabi laughed at me. My body was sore. I was crying in the corner of the room. Dabi, just watched me. My face had 3rd degree burns. My shirt was lying on the floor. I whimpered at the pain. "Wow, you are such a crybaby." Dabi carried on laughing. 

⚠️ warning ended ⚠️

"Okay, I think it's time you can have food now. Be right back." I watched as Dabi left the room. I quickly dragged my body to get my shirt and put it back on me. I felt very cold. A few minutes pasted and Dabi came back with a glass of water and a tray of food. There was an apple with some sandwiches. "Why are you giving me food like this." I asked pointing at the sandwiches and apple. "Well you need your nutrition so your body can heal and so you still have energy. We wouldn't want you passing out because you weren't fed correctly." Dabi handed me the tray and sat infront of me. "Don't mind me just eat." He said as he stared at me while I was eating.

It felt weird being watched while eating. I hesitated at first to eat the food but eventually did. I finished it and handed the tray with the glass to Dabi. It was delicious. "Okay Izuku get some rest tomorrow you are with Toga good luck." Dabi chuckled. "Bye." I said bye back and watched the cell door close. I fall asleep on the concrete floor. The world was dark. 'Don't worry I will be rescued just stay strong.' The burn on my face still hurts. At least I'm resting now.

1404 words


Hey guys sorry I didn't post sooner you know exams and the flu got the best of me. I will try and finish 2 chapters that will be released next weekend. Tell me what you think of this story so far.

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