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Aizawa's pov :

I woke up to my alarm sounding. I groaned in frustration as I didn't like waking up in the mornings. I stretched my arm out and pressed my alarm clock so it would stop beeping. I take the covers off of me and walk to the shower. I take my clothes off and climb into the shower. I washed myself and turned the tap off after I was finished rinsing. I climb out the shower and wrap the towel around me. I walk to my closet and change into my hero outfit. I grabbed my yellow sleeping bag and my coffee. I couldn't leave home without that. I put cat food in my cat's bowl. I grabbed my keys and left to UA.

15 minutes later~

I climb out my car and walk into the building known as UA with my sleeping bag. I went to my classroom 30 minutes early and placed my sleeping bag under my desk. I can rest for a little while now. Thank goodness.

30 minutes later~

I woke up to noise, shouting and screaming. 'What a way to wake up.' I stand up from under the desk and  activate my quirk. "What the hell is happening in my classroom?!" I yelled. I look around and see that Monoma and Bakugou were both being held by UA students. "M-monoma started blaming Bakugou for what happened to Izuku and saying that it's his fault because he was kidnapped too, but it happened a few months ago. He said that Bakugou is teaming with the villains." Mina said as she looked like she was about to cry. I was furious. How dare Monoma accuse my student of being a villain.

"Do you have proof? Have you ever thought if Bakugou was in pain since Midoriya's been missing, huh?" I questioned Monoma. I could see he was very tense. "Do you ever think what the next person would be feeling?!" I was furious. I wrapped my scarf around Monoma. "Apologize right now." My scarf was still wrapped tightly around him. "I'm sorry, Bakugou, for saying those things. I should have never done that. I didn't take your feelings into consideration. I'm sorry." Monoma was bowing. I could see bakugou was a little beat up. "Thank you for apologizing. Bakugou, do you accept this apology?" Bakugou nodded his head. I let go of my Monoma. "I never want to see you bully or interfere with my students ever again, got it?" My quirk was still active. "Y-yes, sir." I watched as Monoma ran away.

"Okay, now let's start class." I waited as everyone took a seat. I started teaching my lesson, but it didn't feel the same. I didn't get asked a lot of questions. They always talked even when I was teaching, but now that midoriya's gone, they look like empty souls waiting for something to happen. A few hours later of boring teaching. "Okay, class dismissed. You are all free to go." I waited as everyone said goodbyes for me today and watched them leave the classroom. One by one.

I looked at my clock on the wall above the board to see what the time was. I need to get to the meeting in Nezu's office. I walk out my classroom and up the stairs to Nezu's office. I knock on Nezu's door. "Come in." I heard on the other side of the room. I enter and see All Might, Endeavor, Best Jeanist, Hawks, Midnight, Ectoplasm, Ms. Joke, Mt. Lady, Hazashi, Edgeshot, Miriko, Grant Torino, Nezu, and yeah, that's pretty much all of them. I walk and take a seat on the chair in-between All Might and Midnight.

Nezu's pov :

"Okay, now that everyone's here, let's start this meeting." I watch as everyone's focus goes to me. "You guys probably haven't heard, but Izuku Midoriya has been kidnapped by the League of Villains." I watched as everyone's expression is changed from confused to shock, derealization, anger, and pity. "I know it must have been hard to hear this, but don't worry, we will have a plan to save him soon. That's why you heroes are here to help with plans and conclusions." I watch as All Might looks like his in distraught. "All Might, you don't need to worry. We will get him back before anything bad happens." I reassured him. I watched as All Might had a sigh of relief.

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