Izuku Midoriya

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All Might's pov :

"Thank you, Nezu."


Nezu pov :

"Hazashi, how about you take Shota out for a little breather." Hazashi nodded his head and sat up and walked to Shota. "Sho, let's take you to get a breather, okay?" "Alright." Shota stood up and walked with Hazashi outside. Once the door closed, we started talking again. "Okay, let's just focus on getting Midoriya back. You got some answers." My tone was serious again. The room was silent.

"Uh Nezu, what if they aren't really after Izuku's quirk? What if they are trying to turn him into a villain?" The question echoed the room. "Midoriya would never even agree to it even if he was to kill himself." "But Nezu, what if he gets threatened or brainwashed into becoming a villain?" I raised an eyebrow. "We will save him before any of that happens." "But Nezu, it's been about 2 days. Anything could be happening." Endeavor said.

"Well, we will all follow a plan where I will need every pro hero on standby. We will be checking everywhere. We will first start with Hosu. I will spilt everyone up into 3 groups." I clutched onto my fist tightly. All the pro heroes nod their head. "Tell Hazashi and Shota about the plan. Okay?" "Okay, Nezu." "I hereby call this meeting finished till we get more information." I watched as all the heroes walk out of my office.

Shigaraki's pov :

I'm sitting in the bar area sipping on a glass of whiskey. I looked at the bar. Dabi was busy sleeping. Toga was playing snakes, and ladders with Twice, Spinner was on his phone, and Kurogiri was serving me whiskey. I was thinking back to when I was feeding that damn brat. I just want to kick him, but I can't. I look at the time on my phone, and it's been 3 hours since we had our battle feeding Izuku. I guess I should go and feed him again. "Spinner wake Dabi up."  Spinner looks at me. "Why do I have to do it!?" "Because I'm the leader. I tell you to do something you do it." I was mad.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it." Spinner walks to Dabi and gives him light taps on the shoulder to wake him up. "Ngh." Dabi groaned. "Dabi, wake up!" Dabi wakes up hitting Spinner in the face. "Why did you disturb my sleep!?" Dabi's flames shot through the roof. "Because Shigaraki asked me to." Spinner looked terrified. "Why did you wake me!?" Dabi was now facing me. He stepped closer to me. "Because you are going to be feeding Izuku."

"Why must I?" "Because he seems very terrified of you, and we need him to eat." Dabi sighed. "Fine, I'll do it." I quickly rushed and got a tray of food with milk on the side. "Make sure he eats all of it. You mustn't hurt him. If he doesn't eat, threaten him. If that doesn't work, force feed him." Dabi nodded. I watched as a big grin formed on his face. Dabi took the tray from me and walked to where Izuku was.

Dabi's pov :

I am walking with the tray of food. I can't wait to see Izuku. I remember what Shigaraki said to me. I can't believe he seems terrified of me. I laughed. I soon made it to Izuku's room. I open the door and see him peacefully a sleep. "Hey, Dabi." I look to my side to see  Compress sitting on a chair. "Hey." I replied. "Should I wake him up for you?" Compress asked, standing from his chair. "No, it's fine. You can leave now."

Compress nodded and left the room. It was just me and a sleeping Izuku. I walk to the side of Izuku's bed and place the tray on a small table. I look at Izuku and slap him awake. He immediately wakes up with shock. He turns his head to see me standing there. "Hey, how are you feeling today?" I asked him. I could see the terror in his eyes. "I-I feel sick."

"Aw, don't say that. You just haven't eaten yet, that's why you're sick." I picked the tray of food and grabbed a spoon of rice and put it by Izuku's mouth. "Eat it." Was the only thing I said. He hesitated but began eating it slowly. "That's good." Izuku carried on eating the food I gave him until their was no more.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked. "Still sick." Izuku sounded tired. "Don't lie. Be lucky. If you weren't lying in bed, you would have been kicked and tortured by me for escaping." I swear I was going to pounce on him at any moment but stopped myself. "Anyway, I should get going. You had your food now." I walked out of the room and called Compress to go back in. I walked into the bar area where everything was the same.

"How did it go?" Shigaraki asked, holding a glass of whiskey in his hand. "It went well. He didn't resist or anything." "WHAT?! He literally bit me earlier on, and he refused, but with you, he just takes the food." I watched as Shigaraki was fuming with rage. "Well, what can I say?" I smirked. "He must really be terrified of me. Maybe if you treat him very badly, he will fear you as well." I said, taking the glass of whiskey out of Shigaraki's hand and drinking it.

"Whatever. Dabi, come with me." I nodded and followed Shigaraki. I watched as he was walking to Izuku's room. We make it to Izuku's room, and Shigaraki bursts the door down. I saw Izuku isn't on the bed. "Where's he?!" I yelled. I look and see Compress by the toilet door. "He needed the bathroom." I watch Shigaraki walk right past Compress and slammed open the bathroom door. "What the hell do you think you doing!?" I went to see what made Shigaraki so furious.

I see Izuku on the bathroom floor vomiting the food into the toilet. Izuku was staring in shock. "I asked you what the hell you are doing!" Shigaraki grabbed Izuku's arm tightly and pulled him out of the bathroom, and threw him on the bed. Izuku whimpered in pain. I watched the tears run down his face.

"I-I w-was-" Izuku was cut off by Shigaraki holding his neck with 4 fingers. I just watched as Shigaraki was half choking the boy to death. "I-I w-wo-won't d..do it a-a-a-again!" Izuku sobbed. "Shigaraki, I think you must stop." Shigaraki turned to face me, letting go of Izuku's neck. "Why?! Why must I stop!? This kid doesn't want to eat. I caught him puking up his food!" Shigaraki yelled. His footsteps were loud and fierceful.

"We need him Shigaraki don't forget the plan. We need him to heal faster, remember?" I tried my best to calm him down. "If it wasn't for you! Izuku wouldn't be bedridden. He would be experimented on! This is your fault." Shigaraki approached me with a sense of killing. He grabbed my arm tightly with all 5 fingers. My arm was slowly cracking. My skin was decaying. I screamed. It was painful. I fell onto the floor. Shigaraki let go of my arm. I held tightly onto my half decayed arm.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault, not his. If I d-didn't run, he wouldn't have burnt me so severely." Izuku butted into the argument. "You dare speak!" Shigaraki grabbed Izuku and threw him next to me. "O-ow." Izuku mumbled. "You make me sick. I can't wait until you're a nomu. Then you won't get in the way of my plans anymore, and you know what? I don't care if you're still healing! We are going to start the experimenting again!" I watched as Izuku's ears went down, and his tail was tucked in between his legs. His scared.

'Why does this hurt?'

1332 words


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