Chapter Six-Unhappy things

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Garrett woke up to beeping as he turned his head to the side and saw he was hooked up to an IV bag and a heart monitor. He looked up at the ceiling and stared for a bit. He was confused, he didn't remember how he got there or how he ended up in a hospital bed. All he heard was his brother's arguing. He groaned out and his brothers all stopped talking and looked over at him. Ethan and Seth went over and hugged him but he saw the sadness in their eyes and saw a glint of anger in Dimitri's eyes.

"What?" Garrett asked.

"You is what." Ethan snapped.

"You had us worried for sure." Seth said and nodded.

"Good thing Wes knew CPR." Ethan muttered.

"Well, for one I pissed of my husband and now I have to sleep on the couch." Dimitri sighed.
"Why?" Seth asked.
"I tackled Wes into a wall and Donevan saw it." Dimitri said.

"You did what?!" Garrett yelled.

"I was really mad and wasn't coherent enough, but I am really proud of him too." Dimitri said.

"Why?" Seth and Ethan asked together.
"Because, Wes is super close to graduating and he will quit his other two jobs." Dimitri said matter of factly.

"Graduating?" Garrett asked confused.
"Oh, he is going to become a nurse." Dimitri said again.
"Wait, Wes is going to be a nurse?" Seth asked.
"Yes, he just had to finish a couple of things. He is taking night classes over at the little college." Dimitri said again and chuckled when he saw Garrett's face.

"Night classes? Why didn't he tell me?" Garrett whispered.

"Because you aren't his boyfriend or friend for that matter now." Seth pointed out.

"Yeah, kick him out after the poor guy was scared." Ethan mumbled.

"It was his first kiss too." Dimitri pointed out.
"I get it, I was wrong to do what I did and shouldn't have kicked him out. I didn't know it was his first everything." Garrett exasperated.
His brother's just laughed at him and heard a knock on the door and Ethan said, "come in."
Wes entered the room with Dr. Ashford and both went to check on Garrett, Wes checked his vitals while the doctor looked over his notes. Garrett watched Wes work. He was a little sad that Wes didn't share what was going on but his brother's did have a point. Wes wasn't a friend or boyfriend so of course he wouldn't share milestones with Garrett.
"You are stable now. The infection was cleaned and you can be discharged today." Dr. Ashford said.
"Will he have to be babysat again?" Ethan asked.
"No, but light monitoring." Dr. Ashton replied, "what do you do?"
"Uh, I work for myself." Garrett said because working for his cousin as a gang leader or whatever wasn't an answer.
"Ok, well take it easy. I don't want to see you here." Dr. Ashford said and turned to see Donevan standing there.
Dimitri sighed and walked out with his head down. They both left leaving the brothers and Dr. Ashford. Garrett couldn't help but stare at Wes. He never paid attention to the details of Wes, except for his face. Altogether Wes was a beautiful man he should be proud of it all instead of hiding it. Wes knew Garrett was staring at him but was too cowardly to admit it. He didn't know why Garrett was staring so hard at him but he did feel embarrassed about it.

"Let's go Wes we have more patients to look at." Dr. Ashford said as the two walked out.

"Stare any longer and he might have grown an extra head." Seth chuckled out.

"Dude, you are whipped. Just ask the poor man out. Even if he rejects you, there is plenty other ones." Ethan said.

"I don't want anyone else but him." Garrett said sadly, "I don't think he would want me anyways. I said some harsh words to him." Dr. Ashford and Wes heard the conversation and Dr. Ashford looked over at Wes who had a solemn look on his face.

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