Chapter Five-A different kind of Situation

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Wes walked up to the door and knocked on Kaden's door. He paced the door until it opened revealing a very sleepy Kaden and Nikolai. Kaden welcomed him in and Wes found a comfortable seat on the couch. Nikolai walked over to sit down beside him and Kaden was fixing some tea. Wes was always more relaxed when there was tea. They all three sat in silence for a bit as Wes looked around the living room noticing a lot of pictures of the happy couple with some friends and family. He smiled a little when he saw Garrett, he sighed softly and sat back down.

"Dude, you look like someone killed your dog." Kaden pointed out.

"Yeah he does." Nikolai agreed.

"Oh hush you two." Wes grumbled.

"My guy seriously what is wrong?" Kaden asked.

"I kissed Garrett. Like on the lips and I was just shocked and I shot off of his lap and apparently had a look on my face because he was like 'leave me alone. Go away.'" Wes said.

"Hmm, sounds like someone I know." Nikolai said and glared at Kaden.

"Shh, this isn't about us its about Wes." Kaden huffed. Nikolai just chuckled and kissed Kaden. Wes wasn't uncomfortable about it. But, with Garrett it was new and excited and scary. He wanted to be vulnerable with Garrett. Garrett was bigger than him in all ways.

"I wasn't mad or upset about it. I was just shocked I kissed him...without permission." Wes said.

"Wait, you wanted his permission?" Nikolai asked flabbergasted.
"Uh, yeah? I don't know. I just know that whatever happens...I guess I want it to be because I asked first not just go at it." Wes said confusingly.
"Ok, but do you actually want something with Garrett or is it just a fatuation?" Nikolai asked, he was protective of his cousins. Whether Wes was his best friend or not. His cousins came first.

"No I am not experimenting. I am not confused, I know I am gay but that is about it." Wes pointed out, he was getting mad that his friend was treating him this way.

"So why did you run away?" Kaden asked now confused.

"Because, he was my first kiss." Wes muttered out, "and I honestly didn't think I was good enough for it and I got scared." While Kaden and Wes kept talking Nikolai was texting Garrett.

N-Wes is here.

G-Is he mad?

N-Nope, actually you were his first kiss and he freaked out because he didn't ask permission.

G-Wait, what?

N-Yeah that is what he said. He also said that he is gay. He wasn't experimenting or anything. And, he didn't thing he was good enough.

G-Wow. Now I feel like an idiot for what I said.

N-Just apologize to him or something. I was kind of harsh to him too.

G-I don't need you to fight some of my battles thank you.

N-I know. But you also don't need to string him along either.

G-Dude, I haven't slept with anyone for like years.

N-Was that before you kissed Wes on the cheek?

G-Yes. *eye roll emoji*

N-Good night Garrett.


Nikolai walked back into the living room smiling when he saw his best friend passed out on Kaden's lap.

"He just started crying for no reason." Kaden said as he was still stroking Wes's hair.

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