Chapter Eleven-Time flies

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Garrett and Cole have been dating and going out for a little over three months. They didn't hear from Wes again but they had hope. Cole was getting some groceries when he spotted Wes, he was happy but didn't want to approach him. Wes didn't seem in good health something was off. He was more alert and triggered at the smallest of sounds. Cole watched on and didn't notice Garrett up beside him.
"Is that." Garrett started but stopped when Cole nodded.
"Yeah, but he doesn't look good." Cole pointed out. Garrett just walked behind Wes and gagged a little. Wes turned around so fast that he almost tripped until Garrett caught him but when he did he noticed his arms a little frail and he seemed like a skeleton.
"Wes?" Garrett said and Wes nodded.
"What happened to you?" Garrett said and motioned for Cole to come over.
"I flunked. I didn't graduate. Ashford said that he couldn't have me around because I couldn't focus and I told him what happened and he seemed upset and concerned but I couldn't do it anymore. I am jobless, homeless and I haven't had a good lead in a while." Wes said and looked at both of them, "you two seem really happy. I am happy for you."

"Where are you living?" Cole asked.
"Now you care? Where were you both two months ago, I figured two months give you two some space and then come find you but the address I had was not the right one. You two moved while I was begging for food." Wes said as he walked away from them both. He stumbled out of the store and onto the pavement as people walked around him. He didn't see where he was going and ran into the street, cars honked and one tried to avoid him but hit him. Wes flew onto the hood of the car and slid back down. He groaned in pain as he couldn't move, he knew not to. He couldn't feel anything.

Cole and Garrett stopped what they were doing when they heard an ambulance, they looked confused but when they saw Kaden they ran out the store and stopped as they saw Wes laying there not moving, breathing but not moving.
"Goodness man you reek." Kaden said.
"I know. Been two months without a shower." Wes retorted and grunted in pain.
"Why didn't you come by? Nikolai has been worried about you. And now he is gonna be more worried and you are gonna stay with us." Kaden said and held up a hand to not hear anymore. Wes just sighed and went with Kaden to the ambulance. He helped Wes onto the gurney.

"Nikolai and I will be at the hospital." Kaden told Wes and sighed. He wasn't in the mood to deal with anything else bad, Donevan went on a hiatus. No one knows where he is. Dimitri left the states. Good riddance to him, and Seth and Ethan were figuring out their dating lives.
"Kaden?" Wes asked.

"Yeah." Kaden answered.

"I am really sorry about everything I may have caused." Wes said.

"What happened?" Kaden asked confused.

"I don't know. Garrett and Cole are great, in bed too. I just think I got scared. I never had feelings like this before but I also felt like I was a third wheel in everything. I felt a lot and at the same time, nothing." Wes sighed and looked down at his hands, "I just messed everything up with them and now I am a failure on top of it." Kaden just stared at Wes and was wondering why he got dealt this shit hand right now.

"I was scared like a lot with Nikolai. I kept trying to run away like damn because of my past and he just kept chasing. I don't exactly know when I wanted to be with him but I did, oh boy I did." Kaden said.

"I am not scared per se. I am just a little uneasy. It's with two hot men! I get Cole was his first love and came back and I figured that Garrett had only eyes for me, but I guess I was wrong." Wes said sadly.

"I get it. I really do. But, should you have just talked to them instead of tucking tail?" Kaden asked.

Before Kaden could respond one of the EMT's told him he had to go.

"Time to go." Lynn said.

"Lynn? Lynn Heartwell?" Kaden asked.

"Yeah the one and only." Lynn said.

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