Chapter 2-Wes Lindor

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Wes Lindor thirty five and five feet five. He was working at a diner by day and by night he was a bartender. He didn't like it but Nikolai was still working as a police officer and he was married now. Wes wasn't leaving but he wasn't going to be a leader of forty to fifty men. He sighed as he watched his eye candy walk in and sit at his table. He took the menu over knowing who it was Garrett Winslow the man that haunted his dreams ever since he kissed his cheek against that tree. He wasn't mad about it just confused. He walked over and got Garrett's order and before he knew it he heard screaming and what sounded like a huge crash out side. He rushed to the door to see Garrett laying down bleeding. Wes rushed out and called 911 in the process and held his head in his hands to stop the bleeding, it was a huge gash he could feel. He thought about Garrett after he was rushed to the hospital. He didn't follow but he should have since he was technically a small part time doctor. He only worked in the ER when they needed him and it looked they didn't need him yet.

"You have go to be fucking kidding me." He sighed as he heard those words.

"Gentlemen what brings you guys here?" Wes asked walking to the glove place and put the gloves on.

"Garrett fell and he was bleeding. We wanted to make sure that his stitches where not opened." Seth explained as he went over to Garrett. It was hard to be professional when all you wanted was this man to dominate him. Ok brain stop Wes chastised himself. Garrett took off his shirt and Wes would definitely need church now.
Garrett took off his shirt, he would need to work out again after this. And after seeing the reaction Wes was giving him he smiled internally. He knew his body was perfect and in good condition. Wes just had to keep his lewd thoughts in the back of his mind as he touched the spot where the stitches were at and had to stop himself from getting hard. Garrett kept smiling to himself and sucked in a breath as Wes touched the tender spot.

"I will need to re-stitch this." Wes said and was getting up and almost tripped as Garrett grabbed his wrist.

"Uh, thanks." Was all Garrett could say, his throat was dry as he looked at the shorter man with his green eyes that speckled with some gold flakes and red hair that he wanted to run his fingers through and the beard he wanted to scrap against his skin. He had to collect himself because he could feel the hardness that threatened to peak under that flimsy hospital gown.

"That was A LOT of sexual frustration." Seth whistled out.

"Totally." Ethan agreed.

Wes was getting the suture kit when he heard the brothers in the room he had to steady himself in order to do this. He took a breath and released it as he saw Ashford walk to him.
"Hey, are you ok?" Ashford asked.

"No, there is a blonde haired and hazel eyes that is two years younger than me that is making me feel all weird things." Wes explained to his boss.

"Oh, well...he is really hot." Ashford said.

"Is every one in this town gay?" Wes asked and chuckled.

"No. I am bisexual I have a male and female partner and we are happy together." Ashford said.

"Ah, well he is really hot. I want to take him out and I want him to take me out." Wes blushed as he walked into the room and got the suture kit ready to stitch Garrett back up. Ashford just chuckled and went about his own work as Wes walked back in to restitch Garrett up.

"This is going to hurt. What happened?" Wes asked them.

"We were asleep on the couch and Garrett was trying to get over me I guess to use the bathroom. Then he fell off the couch." Ethan explained.

"Why where you guys sleeping on the couch?" Wes asked again.

"Hideaway couch, if you noticed...Garrett has a cast on and he has a two story house." Seth replied sarcastically.

"Ok, don't get snippy with me. I will stitch him up and you guys can go." Wes said as he got to work. Garrett was staring at him the whole time, he seemed very focused on his job. Being thirty five and really struggling has taken a toll on Wes, he was working three jobs with barely any sleep and here he was stitching up a man he couldn't get out of his head. He would need therapy or something to get this man out of his head. He didn't want any distractions at all.

After they were discharged the three brothers went back home to help Garrett recuperate. Wes sighed as he tossed the gloves out and sat down. He was really tired and needed sleep because his shift at the diner started around seven a.m. and he desperately needed sleep. Wes sighed and walked to Ashford's office.

"I need some rest. I can't come in tomorrow night or a few nights. I am worn out." Wes said tiredly.

"That's ok. Dimitri is coming in to cover for you and I will be there too. We both studied for any type of emergency." Ashford explained.

"Thank you. I don't know why I decided to work three jobs at a time." Wes chuckled.

"Well you haven't been living with Nikolai or Kaden at the mansion." Ashford pointed out.

"I knew this would be a hassle working so much. And I know I live in a shitty part of town. But, Nikolai has men on me as is. God, I wished this wasn't how it is." Wes said and sat down.
"Hmm, well you could always see if Garrett needs help." Ashford laughed loudly as he saw the look of horror on Wes's face.

"I would probably kill him." Wes said.
"You have better medical experience than his two brothers. I am pretty sure they would love the help." Ashford said matter of factly.

"Ugh...I guess so." Wes said dramatically.

"Stop with the dramatics. He needs help or he will certainly die from infection." Ashford said.

"Fine." Wes said.

Wes-I need your cousin's number.

Nikolai-Which one?


Nikolai-UM WHAT?!

Wes-I need to not work three jobs and Garrett needs a babysitter besides his two brothers.


Nikolai gave Wes his number and he had to calm his nerves to call Garrett up and ask to help him while in recovery. Granted, it wasn't the best idea but he didn't need him in the hospital getting cleaned up for infection. Sighing he dialed the number.

"Hello?" A deep groggy voice answered.

"This is Wes." Wes said a little nervous

"Ok, why are you calling me?" Garrett asked more awake now.
"I am taking some time off from the hospital and Ashford pointed out that your brothers will probably let you die of infection from your wounds so he suggested that I help out." Wes explained.

"Um...ok? They aren't the best but..." Garrett trailed off.

"Please?" Wes begged. Garrett smiled lightly at the begging. He relished in it that Wes was begging, he had to stop thinking about it. Garrett was getting hard just by that he took a deep breath.
"Ok, but I don't want to hear anything about payment. I will pay you. I saw where you lived not on purpose but it was on the way to the diner and I don't think I would let you live there if you where with me." Garrett cursed at that last part, "sorry I didn't mean for that last part to come out."

"I can take payment I guess. Working three jobs is a pain." Wes said and heard Garrett curse again.

"Ugh, alright come over tomorrow morning and I will send the brothers off. They need to figure out their dating shit." Garrett said and Wes chuckled at that.
"I will be there around eight in the morning.

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