Chapter 4-The Longest six weeks

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Wes was absolutely fed up now. He has had his patience thinned out. The culprit the six foot demon in the next room. Garrett has been moody and irritable, thank god that is was now into weeks four. Only two more weeks and Wes can finally have his peace. But, he was also fuming too the steam coming out of his ears and his face has been contorted to anger. It's all Garrett's fault. He thought, but he should have known that this was the most horrible week. Garrett was mobile but not mobile enough to do anything yet. He wanted to throw Wes around, literally. That man was getting on his last nerve and he was not in any mood to handle him, if he did he might hurt himself or Wes in the process, that's the whole point dumbass. Garrett rolled his eyes at his only thought. Wes wasn't that bad but it was cramping his house up. He lived in solitude, and liked it that way except for the fact that he really wanted Wes, and that terrified him. Garrett has never wanted anyone as much as he did Wes. He always knew he was gay from the moment he could walk and talk. His parents really didn't care. Growing up it was him, Seth, Ethan, and Dimitri. Dimitri was already married and happy living with his husband. Seth and Ethan was dating which was good for them. But, in the end Garrett would like to be happy and have his own love story but the man he wanted was strictly straight. So, now Garrett has somewhat backed off for now. 

Wes was in the kitchen when Garrett walked slowly into the kitchen to sit at the bar stool. Wes walked over to him and scowled, "you are supposed to be resting."
"I know that. I was just walking so I don't end up with sore muscles. I feel like I have bedsores." Garrett sighed and got up to walk back to the couch but Wes grabbed his wrist and turned him around.
"It's fine." Wes said and let go to his wrist. Garrett's skin tingled where Wes's hand was. Garrett walked back over to the bar stool and sat down with a heavy sigh. Garrett got back up and walked up behind Wes and wrapped his arms around Wes's stomach. Wes tensed up.

"Relax, I just want a moment. Because I probably won't get it again." Garrett said sadly and Wes knew he was right. He didn't want to feel anything for Garrett, but he was slowly. Wes sighed and let Garrett do what he was doing. Garrett released him and turned back to sit on the stool.

Wes busied himself with the cleaning while Garrett was taking a shower, he could finally take one unsupervised but still told him to leave the bathroom door opened in case something happened. He swept and mopped and put the dishes away and then went to the second floor to clean up there since Garrett could finally go into his own room to sleep. Wes made it to his room and gasped. It was a beautiful room, the queen bed in the middle with dark blue curtains and the walls painted a dark red with two night stands on either side of the bed and a tv mounted on the wall to the left of that was the bathroom where Garrett was currently showering in and to the right was his closet.
Garrett heard Wes musing around in his room which didn't bother him, he had nothing to hide at all. He smiled a bit when he heard Wes mutter under his breath about how clean Garrett actually was. He took his phone out and went ahead and sent Wes his payment for helping around the house these past few weeks.

Wes stopped what he was doing and fished out his phone, his eyes wide at the amount that Garrett sent him. It couldn't be right. That was a huge amount. He walked into the bathroom as Garrett had a towel wrapped dangerously low on his hips and Wes stared him up and down. Garrett was amused that Wes was supposedly straight but looking at Garrett like he was a slab of meat. Shaking himself Wes was now a little angry.

"This is way too much for me to be house sitting." Wes started.

"Every day for almost two months." Garrett pointed out.

"Yeah but-" Garrett cut him off, "look, its more than what you need honestly but I don't think I can see you live where you do and work at a place that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you want to be a doctor than so be it. But, its enough to make you comfortable to nor burn out with four jobs at a time."

"Oh." Wes said a little embarrassed now about the outburst.
"Even if I can't get into your pants or anything else then this is the best I can do." Garrett said sadly.

"I'm sorry." Wes said, Garrett just waved him off. Wes went to finish up and decided to do something so irrationally stupid. He walked up to Garrett, the six foot giant compared to his 5'5 frame. Nervous he walked in between Garrett's legs and looked down at him, he took a deep breath and leaned in to kiss Garrett. Garrett was shocked for a minute but before Wes could pull back he pulled Wes closer to him by the back of his neck. He kissed Wes passionately as Wes wrapped his arms around Garrett's shoulders and sat on his lap. Garrett grunted from the impact but brought his hands to Wes's hips.

Wes didn't know how to feel. He was kissing Garrett. Maybe it was an experiment to him to see if he liked it. They separated and Wes shot off his lap quickly. Wes looked at Garrett as he had a sad look on his face.

"Just leave. I know this wasn't what you wanted." Garrett said as he made his way to the bathroom to get dressed for bed. Wes sighed and walked out of the room. He actually left the whole house and went to drive to Kaden and Nikolai's house. It wasn't what he wanted to do but it was something that he needed to do. He hurt Garrett in more ways then one. He just sat in his car for a bit until he was ready to walk up to the door.

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