Long time no see - Part 7 - Brock x Reader

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"Come out, come out, wherever you are........" The soldier called out mockingly, as she slowly moved her way around the carnage that she was mostly responsible for. Her heart beating steadily despite the fact that she was hunting. There was two of them against her; the Widow and the Soldier, both of them traitors in her eyes. But no matter their skills, she was not worried. After the Avengers had tried to kill her, HYDRA had made her better. They had made her into their new warrior; they had made her for revenge, and that was what she would have. A growl coming from her lips, as a bullet hit the side of the car right next to her. Her eyes falling on Wilson, as he discarded what was left of his wings and pointed his gun back at her. The soldier shaking her head before shooting the Falcon with the same immobilising round that she had hit Stark with. (Y/n) storming over to him, as Sam shook and convulsed before becoming still.

"And stay down........I have bigger things to take care of than you........and speaking of that............it appears a spider has come to call......." (Y/n) growled at an unconscious Sam. A broad smile coming to her lips, as she heard a movement behind her. The sound so slight that anyone else would not have heard it; but she wasn't anyone else. (Y/n) within an instant jumping backwards, summersaulting over the top of her would be assailant. The hands of the soldier wrapping around the body and throat of the woman in front of her. The pain that (Y/n) was inflicting, causing the other woman to drop the weapons that she had been holding.

"You're getting slow, Romanoff. Sloppy. You don't deserve to call yourself a Widow." (Y/n) hissed, with nothing but utter disdain. Natasha staring over her shoulder at the soldier, wide eyed, as she did her best to free herself from the hold. Her kicks, elbows having no effect on the other woman.

"Who are you........................?" Nat gasped, as the grip around her throat got tighter. Small black dots appearing in front of her eyes, as she desperately tried to take a real breath.

"Take your worst nightmare and times it by two.........." (Y/n) replied with a low growl, as she watched the light leave the Widow's eye. Nat's body falling limply to the floor. The soldier looking down at her from a moment, before placing a disc on the fallen woman. Nat almost instantaneously covered in a net that drew her form up into a ball; (Y/n) shooting a grabbling hook into the bridge over the top of them and attaching it to the Widows net cocoon. Watching as the body flew upwards and stuck itself securely to the underside of the concrete structure.

"Now the spider knows what the fly feels like.........." The female soldier muttered to herself, before quickly making her way back over to Wilson and repeating the process. Looking on as Sam joined Nat's seemingly lifeless form, under the bridge, before turning and scanning the turned over cars.

"Thermal..........." The ordered word immediately changing the view in front of her eyes. The soldier now able to see any heat signature that might be hidden behind the busted automobiles. The flickering of the occasional fires not distracting her from her goal. He was there somewhere, the Winter Soldier. (Y/n) having to admit that there was something quite thrilling about the thought of taking on her predecessor. The man, the myth, the legend; the killer that most hadn't really known existed. And now, she was about to make sure that he didn't exist anymore. A low chuckle coming through the voice distorter as she found what she had been looking for. Quickly picking up the guns that the Widow had dropped, and pointing them both at one of the cars.

"Privet soldat.......hello soldier.........." She called out, before bullets began to perforate the car.


Brock carefully manoeuvred around the wreckage. The job that they had been sent to do, was completed; the Senator already miles away by now, sure to pay the price for not doing what he had promised. And even though he had wanted himself and (Y/n) to be with the others, deep down he knew that there would be more; and it really wasn't just due to her stubbornness and desire for an unwarranted revenge. No, this was more, this was personal. And even though he had said that the idea of (Y/n) being with Rogers didn't concern him; even though he would deny that it hurt, the truth was it was like a knife in his guts. The notion that Rogers had seen his girl, as only he should see her; that he had held her in his arms. That they had...........Brock shaking that thought from his mind. He had never been good at sharing, and the last thing that he ever wanted to share was (Y/n). Okay so he lied, he was a HYDRA agent sent to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D; but what he felt for (Y/n) had never been a lie. From the moment that he had seen her, he had known that he had wanted her; there just something about her, and it wasn't only that she was beautiful, which of course she was. No, there was more to her than that; and it had taken a lot of chasing, a lot of convincing for her to just agree to go out with him that first time. But when she had, and as they had sat there in that little Mexican restaurant, everything had seemed just right; as if something had just fallen into place for him. And the more time they spend together, the better it got. Their first night together, seeming to be that first hit of a drug for both of them. The pair needing more and more of one another. Needing that toe curling high. The kind of high that left you breathless and sweating in the best way possible. And even though a little part of him hated that HYDRA had changed her; that he had had to bring her into that world. The bigger part of him was just glad that she was back by his side, back in his arms and bed. Now all he had to do was dispose of Rogers, and all would be well. Brock not realising that he had been completely lost in his thoughts, until he saw the flash of metal, and a fist hit the side of his head. 

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