Immortal - Part 11 - Tony x Steve x Reader

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The immortal chuckled, as Tony let out an annoyed groan. The billionaire apologising for the interruption, before taking his napkin from his lap and getting to his feet. Another groan leaving his lips, as he opened the door and saw the very unwelcome visitor looking back at him.

"Well, if it isn't old Captain Cockblocker. Tell me, Rogers, has anyone ever told you that you're better than a cold shower? What do you want? I'm entertaining........" Tony huffed quietly, turning to smile at the immortal for a moment, before returning his glare to Steve.

"I want to see agent le Faye................"

"What? Why............? Can't this wait until tomorrow..............?"

"No, it can't..............." Steve countered, as he pushed his way past the billionaire and made his way into the room. The immortal turning to look at him.

Determination. That was what she could see, as the captain made his way over to her. Sheer bloody determination. That was one of the reasons that Steve Rogers had been the perfect candidate. That never give up, never give in attitude. That attitude that despite his original, sickly, frail form, had led him to never given up on his desire to join up and do his bit; to prove that he was just as good as everyone else. Able to serve his country and fight as well as any other. The immortal getting the feeling that whatever he wanted to see her about, he would not be as easily swayed as Tony. But that didn't mean that she wouldn't try.

"Captain Rog......................."

"Who are you..............really?" Steve demanded to know, as he slammed a book down on the table. The immortal taking note that the publication was about him and the Howling Commandoes.


"Who are you..............?"

"I would have thought out of everyone, you would have read the file that Director Fury gave you on me, from cover to cover. If you had, you would know who I was.................

"But you aren't, are you...........? You aren't agent le Faye.............So, who are you?" Steve continued, as he scrambled through the book in front of her; quickly trying to find the right page that he knew he should have marked.

"Rogers, what are you talking about? And you can't just come barging in here and talk to a lady like. (Y/n) has only just got here and you are accusing her of not being who she and Fury say she is. Maybe you should go and talk to Fury............"

"No, no, its alright, Tony. Its obvious that Captain Rogers has a bee in his bonnet about me. I think that it is best to let him get it out." (Y/n) interjected, as she reached up and took the billionaire's hand. Giving it a reassuring squeeze, before looking back to Steve.

"Now captain..............."

"This........this is you, isn't it? You were there, weren't you..............." Steve continued, as he finally found the photo of Camp Lehigh, handing the immortal the magnifying glass before pointing at the background of the picture. (Y/n) taking a look at the spot where Steve was pointing, smiling to herself for a moment before looking back to the big man to her side.

"And you think that a dark, out of focus image of a face is enough evidence to prove that I am not who I say I am? Tony, could you do me a favour and show the captain that picture you found." (Y/n) said, Tony pulling the photo back out of his pocket and handing it to Steve. The captain looking between her, Tony and the picture.

"That, is the first (Y/n) le Faye, my grandmother. My father always said it was like we were twins; as if we were identical siblings separated by time. I didn't know until I was shown that picture, that she had even known Howard Stark. In truth, as I explained to Tony, I don't know much about her at all, given that she died when I was very small. I was informed by my father that she was with the OSS, that she did things, secret things during the war. So, if that face belongs to anyone, then it will be my grandmother. And I would be very proud to learn that she did have some connection to you and the project that helped create the first Avenger." (Y/n) informed him, as she got to her feet; the immortal able to see that there was still an element of disbelief in the captain's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Captain Rogers. I don't know what you are looking for.........another connection to the past, perhaps; someone else other than sargent Barnes that knew what it was like then, but I'm afraid that it isn't me. I am afraid that I am exactly who it says I am in the file. Now, if you will both excuse me. It has been a long day, and if I am to start working with you all tomorrow, then I need my rest. Thank you for a lovely evening, Tony. I hope that we will be able to do this again at another time........" The immortal added, nodding respectfully to both men before leaving the room.


"Ok, Rogers, what was all that about?" Tony asked, as the door closed behind his date for the evening. Steve dropping into the chair that the agent had just left.

Yes........what was all that about? Why had he come? The director had said that everything about her was in the file. That she was simply an agent; an agent that it worked out had a grandmother that knew Howard, that could be the woman in the back of the picture. The woman that had always been there, watching him from the shadows. And if it had worked out that the agent had been the woman, what did he want from her? Was it just to ask why she had watched, why she hadn't revealed herself. Or, as she had said, was it so that there was someone else he could talk to. Someone that he could talk to about the project, about Peggy, Erskine, Howard. About all the things that not even Bucky knew about.

He and Bucky were out of time; everyone that they had known and loved were dead. Everyone, apart from himself, that had been involved with Project Rebirth, was long since gone. So, perhaps he had been clutching at straws. Perhaps he had been hoping, and rushed in. Perhaps he had just made a fool of himself; he was sure that Tony would say that he had. He was sure that Bucky would shake his head when he told him all about this. Yet there was still a part of him, that even after hearing a plausible explanation, still didn't believe her; still thought there was more to her than she or Fury wanted them to know.

"I............I should go............." Steve finally said, as he slowly got to his feet and made his way to the door. Tony wishing that he had never come in the first place.

"No, please feel free to stay. Please come and ruin every nice evening that I have. I will be sure to have F.R.I.D.A.Y tell you if agent le Faye dares to come back. Perhaps we can arrange a time and date that's best for you, that way you can barge in at just the right moment............" Tony called after him, as Steve made his way down the corridor. The slamming of the door filling the expanse, as the captain made his way back to his own rooms. Sure that he would have to apologise to the new agent in the morning.   

Marvel Universe Imagines and One Shots Book ThreeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang