Long time no see - Part 6 - Brock x Reader

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(Y/n) jumped from the roof of the car and made her way over to the stuck limousine. Brock covering her, as she gripped the handle of the door firmly, and then completely tore it from its hinges; throwing it away as if it were nothing more than a crumpled up piece of paper. The new soldier quickly moving out of the way, as a bullet came whizzing past her head. A gun pulled from the holster on her hip, before a shot rang out, and a man lay dead.

"Really senator............." (Y/n) began, as she gripped the passenger of the car by the throat and pulled him from the limousine. His form pushed so forcefully up against the automobile, that the bodywork beneath him, crumpled and creased.

"Next time you hire yourself a driver cum bodyguard, get one that can hit what he's aiming at..........." The new soldier continued with a growl, her face millimeters away from the shaking older man's.

"Now, you haven't been doing what you promised you would do, have you senator? So, I have some friends that would like a word with you............" (Y/n) forcing him into the grasp of the other armed men that had come to join her and Brock. The HYDRA agents dragging the senator over to the SUV.

"Soldier..............Lets go.............." Brock said, as he moved to the side of the limo. He had been told to not let her take any silly chances; this was her first time out for HYDRA, after all. The first time to make sure that everything that they had done to her, all their brainwashing, had worked; and up until this moment, all was going well. But Brock didn't want to push it. He had his girl back; his concerns that there might have been something between her and Rogers, long gone. The S.H.I.E.L.D agent now only thinking of the captain and the other as enemies.

"I'm not done here..............." (Y/n) replied harshly, as she pulled the weapon from her back and looked up to the sky, obviously waiting for the appearance of certain red and gold suit clad billionaire. Brock wishing the scientists had been able to fix her stubborn streak when they had fixed her memories. But given what he and the others had told her, that he and she had both been injured by the Avengers. That they had gone out of their way to kill her, Brock had to suppose that he couldn't blame her for wanting the payback that she had spoken of earlier. And to be honest, he wouldn't mind getting a little of his own on Rogers, too. The HYDRA agent making sure that his own mask was properly secure; Brock not wanting Roger or Barnes to know that he was alive, just yet.


"Deja vu anyone............" Nat asked, as she, Steve, and Bucky ran towards the scene; Tony and Sam flying overhead. Steve and Sam having to admit that the whole thing did look a little reminiscent of when they had first come across the Winter Soldier. Cars abandoned and turned over; thick black smoke filling the air. But it was the figure dressed all in black, stood atop a disabled limousine; their face covered by a dark mask and large gun held in their hands that made Steve and Bucky look at one another.

"Barnes......who..............?" Tony asked, as he and Sam landed next to the others. All of them focusing on the two figures stood with the stretched automobile.

"I........don't.........know......." Bucky replied, as his eyes became fixed on the figure that was held themselves atop the car.

There had been no other soldier, not one that he could recall, anyway. It had been him, just him. It obvious that whoever this was, they were a replacement for the Winter Soldier. Though what this new female soldier was capable of, he couldn't be sure. Yet he couldn't fight the feeling that he knew who she was.


"Its about time that you got here. I was wondering what a girl had to do to get your attention............." (Y/n) called out. The voice changer in the mask, distorting her usual tone, completely. Her amused chuckle sounding eerie, evil, as she jumped from the roof and down onto the hood of the limo. The weapon in her hand quickly aimed at Tony; several projectiles hitting the billionaire's suit; but seeming to do nothing.

"Is that it...............? All this, for that.............?" Tony chuckled, his mask moving away from his face, so that he could look at the others. It not until he realised that he couldn't move. Until he realised that what had hit him, had been a form of liquid nitrogen and it was now seeping into any and every joint. It was now causing the metal around him to crack. All of the systems breaking down, as pieces of the suit fell to the floor.

"I have only just begun........Stark............." (Y/n) chuckled again, before quickly bringing out another weapon and firing it at the billionaire. Steve, Buck, Sam and Nat looking at one another, as Tony fell to the floor and began to convulse before falling unconscious. Steve using his shield to protect himself, and the others diving for cover as bullets began to fly around them. The new soldier hitting one of Sam's wings with the liquid nitrogen bullets before he could get fully behind one of the turned over cars that littered the bridge. The metal shattering as it hit the underside of the automobile.

"Two birds downed, only three to go............" The black clad female continued, as she looked down at Brock.

"I want Rogers..............." The HYDRA agent replied. (Y/n) simply nodding and smiling under her mask, before she jumped off the hood, and raced off to find Barnes and Romanoff.  

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