Long time no see - Part 1 - ? x Reader

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I started this story a while ago, and then I lost it. So, as I have now found it and written a second part, I thought I would bring the whole thing to this book. Hope you enjoy.

(Y/n) woke. Her eyes staring up into the darkness. She had no idea where she was. All she knew, was that she was in pain. More pain than she had ever been in before. And at this very moment, she would give everything to make it go away.

The last she could remember, was that she had been on a mission with the others. Finding herself pinned down by heavy fire from Hydra agents. She had tried to call out for Tony, for Steve and Bucky. For Clint. For all of them. But it was becoming quickly clear that no one could hear her cries. Yet it was not because of the sound of gunfire, but because her comms had been completely destroyed. It obvious that it had not only been her comms that had taken the brunt of the sudden explosion that had thrown her through the air, when she had brought her hand down from her ear. Finding her fingers covered in sticky crimson blood. And the large piece of shrapnel sticking out of her thigh, sort of giving it away a little, too.

It was nothing new getting injured in a fight. It was part of the job. And she knew that she would be fine if she could just get up and find one of the team. That they would take her back to the compound, and she would be as good as new in no time. But getting up from the floor would be easier said than done. And the ringing in her ears certainly wasn't making it a good idea, to just get up and move. (Y/n) knowing that a fire fight could still be going on around her, and she would never know.

Slumping back, she had reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out a small med kit. Quickly opening it and removing some gauze that she held to her head. The S.H.I.E.L.D agent hoping that one of her friends would find her before the trauma of the shrapnel, caused her to bleed out.

It had felt as though she had sat there, huddled behind what was left of a demolished building, for hours. (Y/n) getting a terrible feeling that she would never be found. Or even worse, no one was looking for her. But she had chastised herself. When the fight was over. When the battle was won. One of the others would realise that she wasn't with them and come looking for her. So, for now, all she could hope, was that she and they had enough time.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. Trying to control her violently beating heart, in hopes that even if she couldn't hear the gun fire, she still might be able to sense it. To feel the vibrations, the thuds and bangs as the deadly projectiles hit the floor, the wall, and everything else around her. But before she could sense anything, she had felt a blindfold placed over her eyes. A piece of gauze pushed over her mouth and nose. The sweet smelling, ether like odour, alerting the experienced agent to the fact that whoever the person was that was holding her down, was using Chloroform to subdue her. And no matter how hard she had tried to fight. No matter how much she had tried to punch and kick. Her assailant had been much stronger. Much fresher than the battle weary and injured (Y/n) had been. So, before she knew it, the world around her had disappeared.

Now here she was. Wherever this was. In pain and cold. Sick to her stomach, with a headache that made her think that she had been cracking rocks with her skull. Her eyes seeing nothing but darkness. Surly she wasn't dead? Surly this wasn't some kind of afterlife? Since meeting Thor and Loki, (Y/n) had always liked the idea of going to Valhalla when she passed. Finding herself in the majestic hall in Asgard, one of the few earthly warriors chosen to be worthy by Odin. That she would get to see the golden tree, Glasir, and wait until she was called upon by the great father to assist him in his fight against the wolf Fenrir, and Ragnarök. But if this was Valhalla, then she was going to have to tell Thor that his father could keep it.

But no! As far as she knew, Death did not need to use Chloroform to take you to the world beyond this one. So, wherever this was, it still had to be Earth. Yet where on Earth, she didn't know.

She had no idea how long she had been unconscious. Though she did know that Chlorine by product, could render a person immobile for between twenty minutes and two hours. And that the shivering, headache, and nausea she was now experiencing were all part of her recovery. But that didn't mean that other substances hadn't been used on her in the meantime.

Steeling herself, (Y/n) began to try and move. Only to find that her arms and legs were strapped to some kind of gurney. It now, blatantly clean that she wasn't in a S.H.I.E.L.D facility. And even though Tony had told her on more than one occasion that he would very much like to tie her to his four-poster bed. She was certainly not in the Avengers compound. (Y/n) having a terrible feeling that she wasn't in Kansas anymore, Toto.

"Hello! Can anyone hear me?" (Y/n) called out. Instantly regretting her decision to do so, as another wave of nausea hit her. Her stomach and head spinning as the room suddenly felt as though it had been turned upside down.

Whoever was doing this to her, she was going to make them regret it. If they thought that she was going to be an easy target, then they were going to be thinking twice. It was true that she didn't have a fancy suit, an angry green monster inside her, or a serum flowing around her veins. But she had her own talents. Things that made her unique. And if her captor, or captors didn't know about them, then she was going to enjoy educating them. Although she had to admit, that an angry green monster might just come in handy right at this moment.

"Hey! Assholes. You too scared to face little old me? You know, it's not nice tying a girl up without buying her flowers and dinner first. Even Stark offered me that. Hey! I'm talking to you." (Y/n) shouted, fighting back the urge to throw up. Hoping that is she pushed enough, her abductor would reveal himself. And maybe, just maybe, she would be able to get herself out of this.

"Come on. You can't be that ugly, that you have to hide away. You should see Sam before he's had his first coffee in the morning. Not a pretty sight!" (Y/n) continued. Groaning to herself as the room continued to stay as dark and as quiet as the grave.

"You know. You should be very careful what you say to someone when your strapped to a bed, beautiful." A smooth voice called out. (Y/n) squinting painfully as a bright light suddenly appeared. Like the switch to the sun had just been turned on.

"But there again, it's not the first time that I've seen you like that. Is it?" The voice chuckled. (Y/n) getting a terrible sinking feeling in her stomach, that this time wasn't a result of the Chloroform.

"Long time no see, (Y/n). But now I have you, I promise that we are going to make up for all the time we've lost. And I have a few friends that are very much looking forward to meeting you too." The man continued. (Y/n) finally able to open her eyes and take in the form of a man that she hadn't seen in a long time. A man that she thought was dead. A man that she, in truth, hoped was dead.  

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