A find in the snow - Part 4 - Logan x Charles x Reader

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The beat up old vehicle pushed its way through the snow. The gear box protesting every time the large feral tried to change gear. They had been travelling for some time now, Logan feeling a little happier now that there was some distance between him, his mysterious passenger and the probably still burning bar. The sound of sirens making him look apprehensively into the rear-view mirrors; the big feral breathing a sigh of relief as he saw that the wail had been coming from fire trucks.

Normally, Logan liked peace and quiet. He wasn't one for making small talk or inane polite conversation. He didn't care to talk about the weather, or what he had been doing since he last saw someone. No, he was more a grunt and roll your eyes kind of guy. But this one, the woman that sat silently by his side looking out of the window, was intriguing him. Strangely so.

Despite the distance that was now between them and the burning bar, Logan could still pick up that odd faint odour of sulphur. As if he were sat on the edge of a volcano and peering down into the precipice. Either that.........or hell was following after him. Or, in this case, sat right by his side.

Before the professor had left his head, Logan wished the old man had told him what kind of mutant this woman was; as it seemed obvious that she was in the mood to neither talk to him, nor reveal herself. Yet he had to say, despite the fact that he didn't have the slightest idea what she looked like, he was feeling the strangest of pulls. As if, just sitting there, she was drawing him to her. Making him desire things that he really shouldn't be feeling. Well, not just after meeting her anyway.

"So.............." Logan suddenly said, unusually taking it upon himself to break the silence that filled the space between he and his passenger.

"So............" She replied with a huff. As if she wasn't too happy that he was speaking to her.

"You always look like that.............?" The big feral continued, as he looked her strange garb up and down. The hood, the oversized long coat, and gloves, covering her from head to toe.

"You have no idea what I look like. And its better that you don't." She replied, her tone low and slightly gruff, reminding him very much of himself.

"You can't look that bad.................."

"Its.............its not that I look bad. It's..........it's what my looks can do to others." She explained. Her voice now softer, as if she were thinking. As if she were remembering things that had happened in the past.

"What they can do to others...................?"

"Did your friend........this........Charles Xavier not tell you what I am before he stopped using you like a ventriloquist's dummy?" (Y/n) enquired, as she turned to look at him. Logan shaking his head. A chuckle coming from under the dark hood, before she turned back to look at the dark world that lay beyond the window. The darkness only broken up by the odd light in the distance.

"Well, I should imagine that that is because he didn't want you to know. He's a very smart man. You see, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.........a lot of knowledge........well that.......that can ruin your life. Especially when it comes to me." She told the man next to her. None of this answering any of Logan's questions. None of this easing his mind or explaining to him why he was feeling a primal urge deep inside him. An urge that was getting stronger and stronger.

"Now, how far to this place with all these "special" people?" (Y/n) continued, as she moved her body a little closer to the door and leant her head against it.

"A few hours...................."

"Good. I'm going to sleep. Please don't feel the need to talk to me; I doubt that I will be at this place long. I'm not one for making friends.............." She added; Logan really beginning to think that she sounded more like him than he did. The big feral shaking his head, as he pulled the old stogie from his pocket and lit it.


"Oy............." A voice came. (Y/n) startled awake by the voice and the harsh prod in the arm.

She had only expected to sleep for an hour or so. To just close her eyes and recover from not only the chaos she had caused at the dingy bar, but all the other things that she had been through recently. Though as she reluctantly opened her eye, and the light came flooded in, it was obvious that she had been sleeping for longer. Her eyes growing wide, as she saw the large building that the beat up, old vehicle was now parked in front of.

"Where are we.............?" She asked, as she looked to the man that was climbing out of the driver's side door.

"We are at the Charles Xavier School for Gifted Children.............Now come on...........the professor will be waiting.................."

"School.........school? What do you mean.........school...........?" (Y/n) replied, as she quickly got out of the car and looked around. Suddenly feeling as though she should bolt. That she should run across the well maintained lawns and get as far away as she possibly could. Sure that this..........Charles Xavier had completely lost her mind, if he did know what she was.

"(Y/n)..............?" A soft, calm, English accented voice suddenly said. The female mutant turning to see an old man in a wheelchair surrounded by others, both male and female. It obvious that these were some of the "special" people he had spoken of.

"Welcome. I have so been looking forward to meeting you............." The old man continued, as he moved his chair closer to her.

"You are quite amazing. I might not be able to reach you, but you can most certainly reach me. It is obvious that one doesn't have to even see you for you to have an influence." Charles added with a smile, as he stopped just in front of her.

"Yeah well...........that's why I keep myself to myself. That's why I stay away from others. Especially men.............." (Y/n) explained, as she looked at the bald man, before turning her attention to the others that lingered behind him. The man that had brought her here, and the others looking at her. (Y/n) already knowing what was going through their minds. What affect her closeness would be having.

"Yes............now I can very much understand why. Though I do assure you that you will be safe here.............."

"It's not my safety that I am worried about.........its theirs." (Y/n) interrupted, as she turned her attention back to the professor, and gestured towards the others.

"Look, thanks for getting me out of there after what happened last night; but you don't want me here. I'm dangerous. Its best I just go.............." The female mutant added, as she turned, only to find her wrist caught.

"And that is exactly why you should be here. I can help you. We can try and find ways to help you control these very powerful abilities. To use them when you need to, and not at any other time. You are already quite formidable; all you need is a place to feel safe. And I want to offer you that.............." Charles explained, his grip loosening a little.

"Fine............but its best to keep me by myself. At least until I figure out whether I really want to stay or not.............."

"Wonderful............then, perhaps you and I could speak in my office." Charles smiled, as he turned his chair around. The professor placing her hand on his shoulder and leading her into the mansion. All the others looking at one another, before quickly following after the pair. 

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