Kiss - Bucky x Reader

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Just something silly and sweet for Bucky, because I adore him 

(Y/n) couldn't help but smile as she looked over at Bucky as he sat pouting on the sofa in the workshop; a workshop that was experiencing a pleasant quietness, while Tony was out with Steve at some meeting or another. She had known the old soldier long enough to know that that face meant he wanted something; but this time, (Y/n) was going to make him work for it.

As she busied herself cleaning up after the billionaire; never sure how Tony could work in some of the messes he could make, she heard Bucky let out a heavy sigh.

"Bucky honey, what's wrong?" (Y/n) asked, as she leant on the countertop and looked over at him, trying not to smile.

"Nothing, I'm fine." The former assassin insisted, sighing again as he crossed his arms over his chest, and slumped back further into the sofa.

Even after all this time Bucky was not sure how to ask for affection when he needed it, as he had been able to do before everything had happened to him. For so long he had been the Winter Soldier, controlled, brainwashed, starved of a life, of love; starved of warmth and any kind of care, that now he had it, he felt like a fish out of water. Even asking for something as simple as a kiss or a hug, would normally turn him into a grumpy centenarian, before he would dart off to the gym so he could work out his frustrations; then, he would wait in their room until (Y/n) finally found him, and took him in her arms.

Most of the time, (Y/n) would just hold him close, and kiss him gently when he began to pout, knowing that that was what he wanted; that, and it meant that parts of the compound would stay fully intact, and she wouldn't have to listen to Tony tell her that she had to keep her Manchurian Candidate boyfriend, on a tighter leash. But as he looked so adorable at this moment, sat there with his arms across his chest, she had to fight the urge to give into him straight away.

"What are you doing?" The soldier asked, as he finally got up from the sofa and started following (Y/n) around the workshop, sticking close to her side.

"Well, I have to sort through the mess that old tin draws, has left, and then I have to look at the glitch in my suit that he has told me for months he will get around to; but still hasn't got around to." (Y/n) told him, as Bucky tentatively inched his way closer and closer to her.

She felt a little guilty for not just pulling him into her arms and kissing him straight away. She hated the idea that he might ever think that she didn't love him; but for once she wanted him to ask to be loved. She needed to know that he loved her as much as she loved him, and that he should realise that if he asked her for affection, that she would not turn him away.

"Can I help?" Bucky asked, his beautiful blue eyes staring at her, like some adorable needy puppy.

"Well, you could get my tool kit from the other side of the workshop, while I finish sorting Tony's tools." (Y/n) told him, watching as his eyes darted between her and the far side of the shop.

"Sure, will you come with me?" Bucky replied, before grabbing hold of (Y/n)'s hand and pulling her with him towards the far side of the large room. (Y/n) unable to stop herself from laughing, it more than obvious that her handsome soldier wanted to be near her; but that he was still worried that he would get everything wrong. That the words wouldn't come out right; and might indeed scare her away.

"So, you ask me to let you do something, and then you take me with you; I might as well have done it myself in the first place." (Y/n) continued to laugh, grabbing the large toolbox, before taking it back over to the workbench.

"I just like doing things with you that's all, I like being close to you." Bucky explained quietly, as he stood before her, starting to look as uncomfortable as he was feeling.

"James Buchanan Barnes, will you please tell me what's wrong?" (Y/n) asked. Crossing her arms across her chest and staring at the painfully lovable man in front of her.

"Its nothing. I just want to be close to you." The old soldier said again, before reaching out and taking her hand.

"Buck, please. I know you want something; just ask me for what you want. You know I love you, don't you?" She continued, taking his face in her hands. The boy from Brooklyn nodding, as his eyes looked at the ground.

"And you know that I would never do anything to hurt you, so just ask, Bucky." (Y/n) added, watching in disbelief, as a blush lightly kissed his cheeks.

"Kiss." Bucky mumbled, barely above a whisper.

"Sergeant Barnes, you are not the Winter Soldier any longer; you are not going to hurt me, not going to lose me. And have you ever known me to be able to say no to you? So, there is no reason to hide what you want; just tell me." Female agent told him, as her fingers softly brushed over his stubbled jawline.

"Kiss, would you kiss me please?" Bucky said, slightly louder, looking at the woman he loved.

"Oh Bucky, of course I'll kiss you, you silly thing." (Y/n) chuckled, pulling the man into her arms and kissing him softly. Feeling the tension leave his body, as if the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders; before Bucky suddenly seemed to stand up straighter and stronger; wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close, as he deepened the kiss. (Y/n) always loving it when he would stop doubting himself; when he remembered who he really was, and not what had been forced to be. The two eventually moving apart and resting their foreheads against one another.

"Well, would you like another kiss?" (Y/n) asked. A sparkle coming to her eyes as suddenly Bucky picked her up in his arms and carried her out of the workshop.

"Kisses can wait, and Stark can clean his own mess up. I need you for something else." Bucky smiled, kicking open the door to their room before dropping her onto the bed.

"I couldn't agree more Sargeant." (Y/n) said with a salute; smirking as she pulled him on to the bed with her. 

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