A find in the snow - Part 5 - Charles x Reader

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"Please take a seat, my dear............" Charles said, as he led the female mutant into the room. The professor turning his chair and closing and locking the door to his office, as she sat in the chair in front of his desk.

"I have known you existed for a while. It is true that I cannot reach you, cannot read you; but even you leave traces. I am so glad that Logan came across you......" The older man continued, as he manoeuvred his chair behind the desk.

"Yeah, well, it was completely by accident I do assure you. If I hadn't had to go into that dive bar; if that guy hadn't tried it on, none of that would have happened. Tell me, does that big friend of yours always frequent dumps like that? He looks like he does. Looked like he was as much a part of that place, as the mould on the bar towels." (Y/n) replied; Charles chuckling to himself at the remark. Finding that even he had to admit that Logan did appear as though he were made for the rougher places.

"Logan is a good man. And despite his demeanour, he has a heart of gold........."

"That might be the case, but even the best hearts can be affected by me............"

"Yes, I do believe that. Though I do not think that that makes you bad. You have a power; a strong influence that if utilised correctly, if developed properly, could be used to help." Charles continued, as he looked at the still concealed mutant in front of him. The professor finding himself beginning to imagine things, to feel things; the desire to see her properly getting stronger by the minute.

"Could I ask you something.................?"

"I suppose so................"

"Could I see you? I must confess that since learning of you, I have found myself wondering what you looked like. I know of the descriptions, what they say you are in the ancient texts; but................." The professor asked, the words leaving him, as (Y/n) slowly removed her hood.

Now he could understand; just seeing her face, was like looking at a dream. All the descriptions, the paintings by the great master of beautiful women, the ancient sculptures of goddesses, all seemed to pale into insignificance when compared to her. Her skin was flawless, the hair that had fallen down over her shoulders as she revealed her face, gently kissed her soft cheeks. Her eyes, though not appearing human, were no less beautiful; and the longer he looked into them, the more he found himself falling and never wanting to stop.

"Is.........is this your true form..........?" Charles finally managed to ask, as (Y/n) brought the hood back up, just far enough to cover the horns that protruded from her head. The professor well aware that her kind had the ability to change appearance to match someone's view of beauty.

"Yes. This is how I am, as I appear to myself. Though, I could change if you wish..........if this form is not pleasing to you. You may not be able to see into my mind, but I can see into yours, into your heart...............Charles Francis Xavier. I know what you desire, what you want most. I could give that to you, Charles....................." (Y/n) replied, her voice deep and seductive, as she removed her glove and reached across the table, letting her fingers brush over the back of the professor's hand. The normally calm Charles feeling his heart pound, as she moved towards him.

"And that........professor.........." She continued, as she snatched her hand away, replaced her glove, and pulled the hood down to cover her face.

"Is why I am dangerous. Why I keep away from others. And why I should not be here.............." (Y/n) continued, as she got to her feet and made her way to the door.

"You're safe....................."

"It is not my safety that I am concerned for.............its them out there. Any man that I come in contact with. You have just seen what I can do to you; what I can make you feel. with just a few words and a touch. Most of the time I can control myself. Being away from others helps. But sometimes..........sometimes I can't.............I need it. It sounds awful doesn't it, but it is what I am. If I am not close, I will go to them in their dreams instead. I seduce them, take them..........drain them of their life force energy, to increase my own. I know that you mean well, professor; but........but things like me, we can't be with others. The best thing for everyone, is to just let me go; let me go and forget about me." She interrupted, her hand slowly reaching for the key in the lock.

"How long have you been alone?" Charles enquired, as he finally managed to shake himself properly from her spell.

"It must be hard................"

"I have been alone for longer than I care to remember. And it is hard, yes...........you have no idea how hard. There are mutants........mutants like you, and that Logan friend of yours, that can fit in in the world. That can make their way down the street and on one would turn a hair. But I only have to be close to most men for them to feel that there is something different; and if they see me..............." (Y/n) explained, as she turned to look at the man that had come up behind her.

"Look, I appreciate what you........what Logan did. You got me out of there and I owe you both thanks for that. I know I've probably created an uproar; they'll be newspaper reports screaming about mutants again and how we are all dangerous, and I am sorry for that. But I have to leave, you must see that. I don't want to..............I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to use anyone.............."

"There are rooms here, they are contained and out of the way; they are yours if you want them. None of the others will have to come near you; you will be safe, they will be safe. There will be no need to run, no need to hide. All I ask is that you give me a chance to try and help. Just give me a week, and after that, if you wish to go................" Charles said, as he carefully took her head. The professor feeling her tense for a moment.

"Fine................one week................" 

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