Immortal - Part 17 - Tony x Reader

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(Y/n) gulped at the lump that had formed in her throat, as Tony stared at her in disbelief. It had all been so different with Howard, he had been the one that had come looking for her, well aware of what she was; but poor Tony, well, she had just dropped him in at the deep end, and she wasn't sure whether he was swimming or drowning.



" old are you...........?" Tony continued, as he got up from the sofa and focused his eyes on the items that were around the room. The billionaire not sure if it was (Y/n) that had gone mad, or him. Admittedly, just like the rest of the team, he had seen some things, some really strange things over his time with the Avengers. But an immortal? Not even Thor and Loki were immortal, so how this seemingly normal, yet ridiculously beautiful woman that had just come into his life could be a being that lived forever, he didn't know.

"Um........well, I just like to say that I am old. My real life began in what we call prehistory, now...................."

"What?" Tony enquired in disbelief, as he turned to look at her.

"I know it sounds ridiculous. I know that it sounds as though I have lost my mind. Believe me, I know. But, also believe me when I tell you that I can still recall woolly mammoths walking the earth.............."

"And Fury..........does he know all this..............?"

"Fury came looking of me. He knows exactly what and who I am. He thought that I might be an asset to the team. That there were things that I knew that I could impart to you and the others. The reason he made up the story about me being an agent, was that he left it up to me to choose whether or not to tell you all what I was..............."

"So, you aren't (Y/n).........?"

"Oh, my name is (Y/n), it is just that everything else in the report you were given, is a cover story, and my last name isn't le Faye. That appears to have been a little joke on the Directors part, naming me after the immortal from Arthurian legends, Morgan le Faye................"

"But...........does that mean that.............the woman in Roger's picture at the camp.......was that........was that you...............?"

"Yes.........I do feel terrible for lying to Captain Rogers. It is certainly something that I will have to apologise to him in person for. I was there throughout everything for Project Rebirth. There at Camp Lehigh. I knew Peggy, and Abraham Erskine; he and I would often discuss the candidates. Both of us thought that Rogers was perfect for the experiment.................."

"But.......if you were there for Project Rebirth, then............then you knew my father. That wasn't your grandmother in that old was you.........."

"Tony..............I went along with the cover because I didn't want to hurt either you or Rogers. But in hoping that I could conceal my true self from you, it suddenly feels as though I have made things so much more difficult. Yes, I am the woman in the photo with your father. I knew Howard very well for a number of years..............."

"You were wearing a ring........was it........was it his ring...........? Did he know what you are.............?"

"Tony, you must know that this was all before your father met your mother. Before you were born..........." The immortal began, as she got to her feet and pulled out the ring that hung on the long chain. Her eyes focusing on it, as she thought back to when Howard had given it her.

"Yes, your father was well aware of what I am, of my capabilities, for we were more than just friends. The ring........this ring, was the one he presented me with when he asked me to marry him. The day I said yes. We were so happy, despite the fact that he and I both knew that we would never be together, we couldn't help but hope. He made me forget that I couldn't have a normal life like everyone else. He helped me believe, even if just for a short while, that I could be with the man I loved and not have to watch him wither and die before my eyes. That I could have children, and one day even grandchildren. The two of us sitting together hand in hand as we watched them. But with the assassination of Erskine, Howard sent me away for fear that Hydra would come for me next. I knew it was for the best; that it would mean that he would be able to meet someone that could give him what he wanted. That could give him a real life, a real love; but that didn't mean that it didn't hurt. I didn't see him again for years; then he came and found me not long before he died. I cried for days when I learnt of your parent's death............" (Y/n) explained, as she finally looked up from the ring. The immortal seeing a look on Tony's face that she couldn't place. (Y/n) not sure whether he was angry with her; not sure whether he hated her. Not sure whether he was about to call for one of his suits and try and test whether she was what she had said she was. Her heart beating faster as he just looked at her, without saying a word.

"I..........I am sorry, Tony. It was wrong, I know. I should have told you and Captain Rogers the truth from the beginning; but I didn't know you. I didn't know how you would react. But then, last night showed me that I should say something. That I liked you, and I wanted you to get to know the real me, not the person that Fury had created." The immortal added. Her heart dropping, as Tony made his way out of the door to the room, closing it quietly behind him. (Y/n) looking around all the things that she had just taken out of the crates, deciding that the best thing to do was repack them. To contact Fury and let him know what had happened; that it would probably be best if she left. The immortal hoping that the captain would return before she was ready to leave the compound. That he might be able to understand and accept her apology. And that leaving this time, wouldn't hurt as much. 

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