Chapter 65: Second Exam

Start from the beginning

The students in the class greeted Mutsuki, who responded with a smile.

"This time, Yumi-sensei, are you the one supervising the exam?" Kotetsu asked.

Mutsuki nodded in affirmation.

"Yumi-sensei, can we ask you if we have any questions during the exam?" Anko provocatively asked.


Mutsuki knocked Anko's little head with two fingers and said, "You can ask, but the answer will be just this."

"Ouch." Anko covered the spot where she was knocked and immediately became obedient.

"Everyone, check if you have your exam tools ready. The exam will start in ten minutes," Mutsuki reminded.

Some cautious students, after hearing Mutsuki's reminder, began to check their belongings.

"Yumi-sensei, you have quite the popularity among the students," Ueda Aya exclaimed.

Just now, she noticed that almost all the students greeted Mutsuki.

This was a rare occurrence, considering there were forty students in the class, and there were always some who were introverted or didn't like to talk.

And there were also those who might think, "With so many people saying hello, even if I greet them, they won't notice me, and it won't make a difference."

"After all, I am their homeroom teacher," Mutsuki replied.

When the ten minutes were up, Mutsuki announced the start of the theoretical exam and, together with Ueda Aya, distributed the exam papers.

The students of Class 1-1 also gave Mutsuki face; throughout the entire exam process, not a single person spoke, everyone was quietly solving the problems.

Mutsuki and Ueda Aya took turns patrolling the room.

During the patrol, Ueda Aya curiously glanced at a few students working on their exams. This quiet atmosphere was indeed rare.

Perhaps because it's the Academy, the students are generally lively.

After looking around, Ueda Aya was somewhat surprised. Glancing at a few people casually, she felt that at first glance, everyone seemed to have answered the questions correctly.

"Yumi-sensei, the average score of your class in this exam is probably going to lead the entire grade again," Ueda Aya whispered, sharing what she had just observed with Mutsuki.

"It's hard to say before the exam results are out. Maybe other classes also did well," Mutsuki responded in a hushed tone.

Although it was a fact that the scores were good, Mutsuki felt it was better to keep it low-key.

When the exam concluded and the papers were collected, the atmosphere in Class 1-1 changed.

"Finally, it's over," Kotetsu revealed a smile, as if he had been liberated.

Reading diligently every day and figuring out how to keep Izumo from studying—it was quite tiring.

"Yeah, after this practical exam, we'll be on an extended break," Izumo also showed a relaxed smile and said.

After finishing the theoretical exam, he finally didn't have to act every day, trying to keep Kotetsu from reviewing.

"Kotetsu, Izumo, how do you feel about the exam?" Anko came over and asked.

"It's okay, but this exam felt quite challenging," sighed Hagane Kotetsu.

"Yeah, there were many questions where I had no idea, just wrote random answers. I have no clue how many points I'll get," Izumo's face showed a worried expression.

"Huh? Was it difficult? I thought it was pretty easy. Could it be that the review yesterday actually worked?" Anko scratched her head, saying. Somehow, she felt like she had seen this scene somewhere before.

"Shisui, how do you feel about the exam?" Anko asked Shisui, who was about to leave.

"It's alright," Shisui paused and replied.

He felt it was similar to the last exam, nothing special to mention.

"Why do I have such a simple mindset? Could it be that I did well on the exam?" Anko felt like the reward of Dango was getting closer to her.

"Tomorrow is the practical exam. Everyone must perform well and showcase our Ninjutsu skills to that female sensei." Anko remembered their plan to drive away the Taijutsu sensei from a long time ago.

"Definitely, this time we must get the school to bring in a reliable Taijutsu sensei," nodded Kotetsu.

"Actually, I think it would be great if Yumi-sensei could teach us. But if that happens, it would be too tiring for Yumi-sensei, having to take so many classes," lamented Izumo.

Other students also responded enthusiastically, expressing their determination to give their one hundred and twenty percent effort tomorrow and showcase their skills.


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